
Starcraft 2 - Patch v2.0.10comment_here

starcraft 2 patch v20 10
SC2 Patchen v2.0.10 gick live imorse. 

Nu kommer en glädjande nyhet för alla de som spelar Starcraft 2. Blizzard rullade nämligen ut v2.0.10 patchen nu imorse. Det har gjort att en hel del buggar har fixats till, en bättre balansering har ordnats m.m. Så har ni inte redan uppdaterat erat SC2, gör då det asap!

"Update (July 29 6:45 p.m. PDT):

After deploying Patch 2.0.10 to the Southeast Asia region of Battle.net today we've discovered an issue that's going to require us to delay the patching process in all other regions by a day or so. We're hard at work resolving the issue and will be getting the patch rolled out to everyone worldwide as soon as possible!

Sit tight! We'll have more news on this as the issue is resolved. StarCraft II Patch 2.0.10 is being distributed to all regions this week, and may not be live in your region yet."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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