
Jurassic life - En Jurassic Park HL2 moddcomment_here

jurassic life
Jurassic life kan mycket väl bli det första (riktigt) bra Jurassic Park spelet.

Man ska inte vara negativ, jag vet. Men kommer då inte ihåg en enda bra speltitel som varit baserad på Jurassic Park. Det fanns en titel till Mega Drive som var helt okej. Men utöver det spelet, nej, mitt huvud är blankt. Men det kommer kanske att bli en ändring på det.

För modd/spel snickraren BUTANe har nämligen gjort ett super ambiöst spel baserat på Jurassic Park (Jurassic Life). För att vara exakt så rör det sig om en Half-Life 2 modd. Men det är inte vilken HL2 modd som helst.

Nej, Jurassic Life har nämligen återskapat Jurassic Park i minsta lilla detalj. Och det är många som fattat tycke för modden, både Jurassic Park fans och Gamers. Så tycker ni att det här låter intressant, besök då modDB.

En fotnot btw. Om vi har tur, så kan Jurassic Life hamna på Steam också. Men det hänger på om Valve ger modden gröntljus eller ej.

"In this adventure, you are Robert Muldoon, the person in charge of the safety of the park. The game will proceed in a relatively linear but intense way with Resident Evil inspired management of the stress.

Because of obvious reasons, we won't give out lots of details about the storyline, but it will have enough surprises to provide bunch of action and also situations that require reflection.
We allowed ourselves to change and include some miscellaneous new things compared to the original story, in order to intensify the gaming experience; we looked at the gaming aspect and at the same time worked on make the levels, characters, events recognizable... make parallels between the original storyline and the modification one, and get the feeling of reviving some movies moments.
Actually it will be like a side story which includes several scenes from the original film. The story plays out at the timeframe seen in the first movie.

Biotechnology society InGen, created and lead by the rich american John Parker Hammond, built a park on a Costa Rican bay island, Isla Nublar, called "Jurassic park". This park is somewhat special as it allows fortunate people to see real live dinosaurs, created from a combination of genetic manipulations and dinosaur blood found in fossilized amber.

Due to recent incidents in the park, InGen investors start to worry, and demand that the park calls in specialists before it's opened to the public. Thus, after long negotiations, paleontologist Alan Grant, paleobotanist Ellie Sattler and mathematician Ian Malcolm are sent to the island for the week end, with lawyer Donald Gennaro, who represents Hammond investors, in order to investigate the incidents. The visit starts out well, park systems work fine so far and everybody is amazed by seeing the first dinosaurs. Robert Muldoon (you!!) is checking the park an system security...

But some unexpected things are happening in the meantime: InGen's biggest competitor, Biosyn industries, wishes to obtain Hammonds technology; Biosyn's main advisor Lewis Dogson contacts the extremely qualified programmer Dennis Nedry, who programmed the entire Jurassic Park system, and gives him an opportunity: in exchange of a huge amount of money, Nedry would steal a few InGen's embryo and deliver these to Biosyn. Unfortunately, Nedry decides to start his business this week-end.

Furthermore, a violent tropical storm moves over the island, power is lost, visitors are stuck and the dinosaurs start to escape from their enclosures..."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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