
Doom 64Ex v2.3 - Doom64 för PCcomment_here

Doom64 för Nintendo 64, är som en slags mix utav Quake och Doom. Imo, så är Doom 64 den läskigaste Doom titeln, näst efter Doom 3.
Tackvare ett tips från en internetvän (Diego L) så hörde jag talas om ännu en grym Doom modd. Den här gången rörde det sig om en omgjord version utav Doom64 för PC. Namet på modden ifråga är Doom 64Ex, och jag testade på den som hastigast igårkväll.

Imo, så borde alla Doom fans prova på Doom64Ex. Speciellt de som aldrig haft chansen att spela Doom 64 förut. Och den nyaste versionen v2.3, är riktigt stabil. Så det är bara att ladda ner Doom 64Ex och börja spela!

What is Doom 64?
"Developed by Midway – San Diego, Doom 64 is a unofficial sequel to Doom II developed for the Nintendo 64 and was released in March ’97. Based on the Jaguar and Playstation code base, Doom 64 is considered the most technically advanced Doom game of its time. In addition to the completely revamped rendering engine, Doom 64 went through numerous changes and improvements from that of Doom II. No graphics or sounds from Doom II have been reused in Doom 64; instead, it features completely new sprites, textures, levels and sounds and features a completely different art style.
What is Doom 64 EX?

Doom 64 EX is a faithful recreation of the original game using the Doom source code as the base with the benefit from newer control methods like mouse look, high resolutions and color depth. In addition to that, Doom 64 EX will also feature mod support to allow users to create custom levels, textures and sprites. Doom 64 EX is also aimed to be 100% accurate to the original game as close as possible and offer some PC-specific features that can enhance the game.
What is Kex Engine?

Kex is the codename for the engine that’s being used by Doom 64 EX. This is a heavily modified Doom engine which will eventually be used as a base to create original games and remakes of other classic console games that were never ported to the PC"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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