
The Book Of ID Software - ID Anthologycomment_here

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För ovanlighetens skull så tänkte jag skriva om ett litet boktips till er. Eller bok och bok, det är väl mer som en historisk samlingsbox utav ID Softwares hela historia mer eller mindre (ialla fall deras genombrotts titlar). ID Anthology innehåller hela 4st cdskivor (Doom, Wolfenstein, Commander Keen), en book med IDs historia och lite annat godis.

Det enda problemet är att den här samlingen kostar en hel del då den inte längre går att köpa var som helst. Man får räkna med att hosta upp mellan 800-1500kr för ett komplett ex i bra skick.

En samlingsbild på det unga ID gänget back In the days. My heroes!

Men är man ett hardcore ID fan så är man, och samlingen är ju sjukt värt pengarna imo. Förhoppningsvis så hamnar the book of ID Software i min samling framöver.

ID Anthology Features:
- 4 Disc software set.
- Doom
- The id Anthology is a collection of all the games id Software made up to Quake

"The first CD has the games id Software made from 1991 to 1993 (this includes all the Commander Keen games, both Wolfenstein games, and really early games like Dangerous Dave and Soldax). Commander Keen: Aliens Ate my Babysitter is only the CGA version. The second CD titled 'Doom' has The Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Master Levels and Final Doom. Master Levels doesn't include Maximum Doom on the 'Doom' CD but it does on the 'Mac' CD. All the Doom games apart from Master Levels have both the DOS and Doom95 versions of v1.9 (the latest).

Master Levels comes with a DOS launcher 'doomit' v9.5c where you can load the .wad files from. The 'Doom' CD also has a copy of DirectX 4, Dwango95 and xband. The third CD 'Quake' has Quake on it with the audio CD music. The forth CD 'Mac' has Mac versions of Wolfenstein 3D, Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 and Final Doom. Also included in id Anthology is 'The Book of id': a book that is a part of the 4CD case and has a story about id Software and starts off "I've run out of ammo. Nothing much left between me and Them but this fire door...".

The Game manuals are on the CDs and are viewed with omoplay.CD 1 'Vintage': Catacombs 3D Commander Keen: Invasion of the Vorticons Commander Keen: Goodbye Galaxy Commander Keen: Aliens ate my Baby Sitter! Commander Keen: Keen Dreams Dangerous Dave Hover Tank Rescue Rover Rescue Rover 2 Shadow Knights Soldax Spear of Destiny The Catacomb Wolfenstein 3D CD 2 'Doom': Doom II: Hell on Earth Final Doom Master Levels for Doom II The Ultimate Doom CD 3 'Quake': Quake CD 4 'Mac': Doom II: Hell on Earth Final Doom The Ultimate Doom Wolfenstein 3D"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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