
Guerrilla Bob trailercomment_here

Bob vet hur man löser konflikter. Med våld, vad annars?.

Hur beskriver man Guerrilla Bob på bäst sätt? jag skulle säga att det är en blandning utav Canon Fodder,
Ikari Warriors och Loaded. Spelet är utvecklat utav Angry Mob Games till Iphone och Ipod touch. Spelet släpptes igår via Appstore. Av trailern att döma så verkar det vara ett riktigt trevligt lir.

Bakgrunds historian för Guerrilla Bob är rätt sweet

It all started with two best friends. Bob and Johnny have been friends since they were 10, and they continued to be best buddies through high school, and then through college.

Eventually, Bob decided to enroll in the army, while Johnny chose a life of crime and money. Bob got great achievements and got promotion after promotion until he got to be a national hero.
Jealous of his success, Johnny set him up so that Bob would look like a corrupt soldier. So Bob was kicked out of the army. With nothing left to do, Bob decided to get REVENGE, and became a rebel. From then on, he would go by the name Guerrilla Bob.

One day, Bob found that the army had a plan to nuke the place where his old friend Johnny had his troops. He sabotaged the plan, so he’d go in by himself and kill them all one by one.






Gaming Ground Sverige

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Jo men eller hur, man ska ju inte gå ut med allt i sin blogg lixom :/

Date: 2010-01-21 Time: 01:15:41 Url: http://hondaremelie.blogg.se/

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