
Phorsus - Big Beats in Little China

phorsus big beats in little china 
"Big Beats in Little China" are worth every damn cent!

This album sure came as a big (but pleasant) surprise to me. I mean, it came out of nowhere. And it´s the fu**ing bomb! Why? Because the beats are sick as hell. Yes, i´m of course talking about Phorsus epic new album "Big Beats in Little China". Which just happens to be inspired by the Kurt Russel and John Carpenter cult movie "Big trouble in little china" (released back in 1986).

And that´s a movie that i will remember for the rest of my life. Because i have always liked that movie. So trust me on this folks. You do NOT wanna miss out on Phorsus "Big Beats in Little China" album!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Robot unicorn attack 1 and 2 - A digital acip trip

robot unicorn attack
How needs drugs when you got Robot unicorn attack?

By now everything and everyone should have heard of the flash game "Robot Unicorn Attack". You know, the game where you control a robot unicorn? I played that game a long time ago. But I still can´t get enough of It. And let´s be honest, the soundtrack are freaking addicting.

There´s also a Robot unicorn attack 2. I Installed that one for my iPhone some time ago, and trust me. I don't regret a second that I picked that game up. Cuz imo, Robot unicorn attack 2 are even better than the original game.

So If you haven't tried Robot unicorn attack 1 and 2 yet. Then you have missed out big time!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Terminator: Genesis - The return of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Guess who´s back again?

Okay, i'm going to be brutally honest with you guys now. Because i have been a fan of the Terminator series since the early 90s. For starter, the only good movies so far (imo) are Terminator 1 and 2. Terminator 3 was watchable at best, but in overall.

It was (are) a pretty shitty movie. There was no soul, spirit or heart in that movie. It just felt like a rushed production (that just happen to use a very famous movie name), and the script was a bloody mess. And Terminator Salvation was even worse (Not even Christian Bale could save that movie...).

Terminator Salvation just felt really cheesy imo. The "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" tv-series was/are pretty good though. Still, one might wonder if it will be third time the charm with "Terminator: Genesis"? I sure hope so. Because it´s about damn time that we get a great (and well done) Terminator movie.

But so far, not that much are known about Terminator: Genesis. But i took the liberty to gather all the information (and details) that i could find. And you will find the complete list down below!

The Terminator: Genesis cast:
Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator
Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor
Jason Clarke as John Connor
Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese
Dayo Okeniyi as Danny Dyson
Matt Smith
Lee Byung-hun as T-1000
J. K. Simmons
Sandrine Holt
Michael Gladis

- Terminator: Genesis are set for a release sometime next year (2015-07-01)
- The movie are directed by Alan Taylor (The Sopranos, Thor: The Dark World)
James Cameron (Aliens/Alien 2, Terminator 2, Avatar) writes for Terminator: Genesis
- Arnold Schwarzenegger are back as The Terminator
- Skydance Productions and Paramount Pictures will handle the production and distribution of Terminator: Genesis 

So, are you guys all excited and hyped upabout Terminator: Genesis?

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Tormentum - Thumbs up on Steam Greenlight!

My kind of adventure game.
Not so long ago i wrote about OhNoo Studios upcoming point and click adventure/horror game "Tormentum". Well, today i was contacted by the development team. Because quite a lot has happened since the last time i wrote about Tormentum.

tormentum steam green light
Yep, the Gamer community loves Tormentum!

Like the fact that Tormentum received thumbs up on Steam Greenlight just recently. I also noticed that Tormentum are 38% funded via Indiegogo (as of today). So, a big congrats to the OhNoo Studios team!

About Tormentum:
"The dreamlike atmosphere featured in the game was inspired by the works of a Polish painter, Zdzislaw Beksinski, and a recently deceased Swiss painter, H.R.Giger, among others. The game's final appearance was also greatly influenced by the worlds presented in such games as Demon's Souls and Dark Seed. From this mixture we created a world full of darkness and depression.

Unfortunately, bigger problems seem to arise. The flying ship lands in a big castle and the main hero is soon imprisoned in it. This is how this surreal story from the border of dream and reality begins..."

- Dark adventure from the border of dream and reality
- Unique, hand-drawn illustrations
- 3 lands, differing in terms of architecture, weather, and creatures dwelling in them
- Moral choices which will have an impact on the game's end
- A variety of riddles integrated into the game in a form of different locks, traps, gates, etc.
- Outstanding soundtrack with more than 20 tracks
- Characters with unique personalities, which will help or try to prevent the hero in reaching his goal
- Incredible atmosphere
- Languages: English, Polish
- 4-6 hours of gameplay

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Aliens Infestation - Part 13 - Alien Isolation

aliens infestation part 13
Will Alien Isolation suck or rock?

Due the fact that the release date of Alien Isolation get´s closer and closer. I thought that i could share my thoughts and expectations on the game.

Well, i´m a bit more positive towards Alien Isolation. Mainly because i started to understand the whole concept behind the game (what Creative Assembly tries to achive). At least that´s how i feelt when i watched the E3 trailer for Alien Isolation.

And i think there´s a very slim chance that Alien Isolation will become a ACM 2 (read fu**ing disaster). 
Oh well, i guess that we just have to wait until the game get´s released in October. Anyhow, please enjoy the video ;)

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Elliot Quest - A spiritual sequel to Zelda II

elliot quest
Zelda 2.5, kind of.

The Legend of Zelda 2 has always been considered to be the black sheep of the Zelda series. And rightfully so in some aspects. For starter, Zelda 2 was everything the first game wasn't. And that was something that divided the Zelda fanbase into two camps.

The ones who hated Zelda II, and the ones who loved it. Me, i was somewhere in the middle. It was a "love, hate" kind of releationship. I loved some parts of Zelda II, and some not. And honestly, i never had any thoughts on a new Zelda game that feelt and looked like Zelda II.

But that´s pretty much the case with Ansimuz Games adventure/RPG game "Elliot Quest" (PC, MAC, Linux and OUYA). Which basically is a spiritual sequel to Zelda II. And thanks to Kickstarter and all the backers. Elliot Quest got funded in December last year (almost $6,000!).

So everyone (backers, the fans and so on) is just waiting for Elliot Quest to be released. Me, i hope to give Elliot Quest a try asap! And oh! You can pre-order the game for $10 via the Elliot Quest homepage.

About Elliot Quest:
"Elliot Quest is an adventure/RPG where players explore the mysterious Urele island in search of an ancient demon. With 5 dungeons to conquer, 16 bosses to defeat, and countless treasures to discover, Elliot Quest is inspired by Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, and many other classy titles.

Elliot can’t die—but he’s still running out of time. In Elliot Quest, the victim of a rare curse must find a cure before he’s transformed into a demon. After Elliot’s wife disappears, he falls sick and attempts to take his own life--only to discovers that he can’t die. Plagued by nightmares and growing weaker by the day, Elliot seeks out a local Sage, who tells him that he’s the victim of a rare curse.

A demon called a Satar is slowly consuming Elliot’s vitality. If Elliot can’t find a cure to the curse before it’s too late, he will become a Satar. His only hope is to ask for the help of one of the island’s Guardians, who have kept the Satar from taking over Urele. Elliot can’t die—but he’s still running out of time."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Angry Henry and the escape from the helicopter lords

angry henry
Angry Henry are by far THE craziest mobile game that i´ve played so far.

The PC may have the super crazy game "Revenge Of the Sunfish". But iOS (and soon Android) got Deep Plaid Games insane action/platform game "Angry Henry". And i´ve been playing Angry Henry since i woke up this morning.

Yes, it´s that damn good! And believe it or not. But Angry Henry are a F2P title. So you can download and play the game via the App store right now ;) So what are you waiting for? The helicopters won't blow themselves up on their own you know.

About Angry Henry:
"Angry Henry is BACK, and he is STILL ANGRY, because HELICOPTERS STILL EXIST! Our hero must escape the Helicopter Lords once and for all, armed with nothing more than his signature scream, his wits and wisdom, and his arsenal of powerful guns supplied with infinite ammunition."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Prison Architect Alpha 22 - Less bugs and more epicness!

prison architect alpha-22
I wonder when the final release of Prison Architect will be done and made?

The weather may be really shitty in Sweden at the moment. But that doesn't bother me that much right now. Why? Because Introversion Software has just released Prison Architect Alpha 22! And you can read all about Alpha 22 at the Introversion forum =)

About Prison Architect Alpha 22:
"Faster, sleeker and less frustrating: All 5 programmers coded there way through 18 days of bug stomping effort and managed to kill 73 major bugs and resolve over 1600 duplicate issues. Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you: A less buggy version of Alpha 21"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Action Fist - A digital fist in your face!

action fist
Action to the max.

I have always been a sucker for platform/action games. In my case, It started with Commander Keen and Contra back In the early 90s. But I have loved that combination ever since. That´s also why I wanna tell you guys about Beau Blyth´s "Action Fist" (PC).

Because Action Fist are a really good action/platform game (It even offers co-op support!) imo. And oh, It´s free-to-play as well! So, what are you waiting for? It´s time to kick some ass!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Successful global launch of War Thunder: Ground Forces

warthunder logo
War Thunder are now available for both PC, MAC, Linux, PS4 and mobile devices.

 It seems like i was right about Gaijin Entertainment and their WWI MMO action game "War Thunder". Because they did indeed dominate the console market as well. All thanks to the sucessfull global launch of "Ground Forces" (they also made a lot of noise/buzz at the E3 convent). 

So am i surprised over this fact? Not really. Because so far War Thunder has made zero mistakes. So one might wonder what Gaijin got in store for us in the near future?

Press release:
"(MOSCOW, RUSSIAN FEDERATION) Award-winning developer and publisher Gaijin Entertainment brought major heat to this year’s E3 trade show, accomplishing many first ever experiences for its smash hit War Thunder, E3 attendees were treated to an unique WWII, MMO gaming experience in all of its destructive glory unlike anything else at the show..

From its humble beginnings through to becoming the largest independent developer in Russia, Gaijin Entertainment had never had a major presence at the world’s most influential video game trade show, until this year. Gaijin Entertainment unveiled several new platforms for War Thunder at E3 including Linux, which means that all future platforms based on this OS will be supported as well.

Whether behind-closed-doors or on the show floor, War Thunder was the only game at E3 to have cross platform play working across five different platforms including PC, Mac OS, Linux, PlayStation 4 and a new unannounced patform, shown only behind closed doors to selected press.

OnLive, the leader in cloud gaming and a trusted partner of Gaijin Entertainment, showcased its amazing subscription based CloudLift service, which allows players to play their PC games on mobile devices using War Thunder. No other game at E3 2014 could say the same thing. In fact, no other game in the world features as many platforms with true cross-play experience.

In addition, no other game at E3, or anywhere else in the entire world can lay claim that they feature more aircraft in a simulation game than War Thunder, which set a Guinness World Record (http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/6000/most-planes-in-a-flight-simulation-game) by offering 303 unique aircraft earlier this year. By the time of E3 2014, Gaijin Entertainment actually upped its total from 303 to 345 planes and announced that more will be rolling off the development assembly line in each major update." 

About War Thunder
"Over seven million players already know the enjoyment of laying opponents to waste, leaving only burned out hulls in their wake in War Thunder. This cross-platform MMO game is currently in Open Beta for PC and Mac OS, available for PlayStation®4 and OnLive®, and in development for Oculus Rift and other unannounced platforms. Players have access to over 450 of historically accurate WWII planes and armored vehicles."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Dragons and Titans - The Titan’s Hand are now available!

dragons and titans
Dragons and Titans keeps on getting better and better over time.

Wyrmbyte (the makers of Dragons and Titans) has just announced that they have released a handful of Improvements for their F2P MOBA title "Dragons and Titans". But that´s not all. Because Wyrmbyte have also unleashed the "Titan´s Hand".

Which offers new ingame items and other new features  Dragons and Titans. You will find all the information and details about the updates in the press release down below.

Press release:
"Indie developer, Wyrmbyte, today announced several new updates for Dragons and Titans, a free-to-play (F2P) Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game currently available on Steam and on Facebook. The updates include a new weapon and dragon as well as three improved game modes and the release of a brand new story driven Act.

Further improvements to minimize queue times have been implemented. Players can always count on battling with the dragon and weapon of their choice, with matches now allowing duplicate dragons and weapons. Additionally, match rewards have increased from three crystals per minute to four, translating to an average of 30% more rewards per individual match, which gamers can spend in-game to improve weapons, dragons and overall play experience.

In addition to all of these improvements, Wyrmbyte has also released the much-anticipated Act 4: The Titan’s Hand which reveals another story arc that gamers can play solo to unravel the deeper lore behind Dragons and Titans. While the Titan's Pact ensured that neither Astaroth nor Hyperion could rule indefinitely, mortals always chose the victor, however a prophecy spoke of a mortal with the power to undo the pact: the Titan’s Hand. Make haste to the city of Tal'il to uncover the truth! Players who complete the act will be awarded with the Autodrake dragon.

Along with the latest lore, players can prepare for epic battle with the newly released dragon, Netherdrake, whose skills include Nether Burst, where the Netherdrake spews forth bolts of pure Nether energy that sap an enemy’s health and mana, and Rift Storm, which allows the Netherdrake to teleport a short distance forward to emerge from a rift in the Nether that bleeds away enemy health.

Also newly released is the weapon, Skyripper: The Blade That Should Not Be. Skyripper’s special abilities include Nether Strike, in which a large explosion of pure Nether energy is released, damaging all in a nearby radius and leaving a permanent mana drain on anything struck by the force, and Sky Rip, which opens a gate to the Nether, allowing Nether Imps to enter the world to feed. The gate remains open until destroyed. Skyripper is not about strength – the weapon itself does not deal much damage, so partner it up with a high DPS dragon for maximum attack power."

About Dragons and Titans:
"Dragons and Titans executes on all the promises of a MOBA but distinguishes itself with 15 minute match times and unique RPG elements. In the game, your champions are Dragons and a variety of game modes gives you the power on how to play. Show true courage and skill to become a Dragon Lord as you embark on your quest to free your Titan from captivity. 

Select from over 30 unique dragons and 30 legendary weapons, each with unique abilities and progression levels. Take your battle to the next level by upgrading your dragons and forging your weapons. Free your Titan in fierce 5v5 PvP battle across 3 different map types or delve deeper into the story in ‘Adventure Mode’, traveling across different regions of the Lands Below, unlocking exclusive Dragons as you complete each set of missions. Gain favor with the Titans and climb the PvP leaderboards to prove your true worth as the ultimate Dragon Lord!"


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground 

Marvel Heroes 2015 - End of anniversary event announced!

marvel heroes 2015
Marvel Heroes 2015 are now available for both PC and MAC users.

2014 have been a really great year for the Marvel fans so far. And the folks at Gazillion will try to keep it that way. That´s also why they just recently announced the Marvel Heroes 2015 "End of Anniversary" event. And you can read all about it down below ;)

Press release:
"We’re pleased to announce the launch of our Epic Twelve - End of Anniversary event for Marvel Heroes 2015.

Similar in concept to the crazy Big Ten event we ran just two months ago, today's launch brings back fan favorite in-game specials alongside new features. For complete information on our Epic Twelve event, please click here: http://marvelheroes.com/"

Here’s the list of events that make up the Epic Twelve celebration this weekend:
- Return of the Reaper - Every few hours, a different game mode will have increased loot, rotating between Terminals, Midtown, and X-Defense and Holo-Sim.
- Legendary BOGO - BOGO for heroes and costumes are back along with a 15% bonus G sale.
- Even More Cowbell - Log in on Saturday, 6/28 for a Cosmic Cow King Crate. Loot for the Bovineheim and Confidential Bovine Sector will also be increased!
- Devs with Benefits - Play with the devs, ask them questions & receive codes for mystery gifts.
- Runes Reloaded - Drop rates for the rarest of runes have been increased as well as sale values.
- World Cup Fever - Collect flags from the various World Cup countries for a special item.
- Cosmic Chaos - Cosmic Doop spawn rate has been increased and will drop random a Cosmic Medallion and  Cosmic Ring. Cosmic Penta Boosts also make a comeback in the store.
- Summer BBQ - Collect summer BBQ drops including hot dogs and Omega Red Ketchup.
- Alpha Omega - Earn more Omega Orbs as rewards for Shared Quests are tripled and are 10% easier to acquire. Log in each day to receive an extra Omega Orb.
- Teamwork 101 - Team Insignias drop rates will be increased, Team-Up Heroes will deal increased damage and all Team-Up Heroes prices will be 20% off! Log in each day and receive an Epic S.H.I.E.L.D. Team-Up gear.
- Accidents Happen - Server side rarity boost will have a few unexpected increases at random times through each day, lasting anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes.
- Old School - Hero Tokens for any hero have a small chance of dropping across the game.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Drinking Quest - The trilogy edition

drinking quest kickstarter
Drinking Quest are not a game for those who doesn't drink.

You know what they say about "the world being a small place sometimes"? Wel, it´s true. Because just the other day i ran into Jason Anarchy (the brain behind "Drinking Quest") on Twitter. And as it turns out. Jason´s a good friend of Ali Spagnola.

Which just happens to be the mastermind behind the Power Hour drinking game. So that was a very pleasent surprise indeed, because both Jason and Ali follows us on Twitter. And guess what? Jason has his very own drinking game as well.

And it´s called "Drinking Quest". I should of course also point out that there´s a Kickstarter campaign for the remastered edition of the first 3 Drinking Quest games. And that project was successfully funded +$27,000) just recently. So a big congrats to Jason Anarchy!

There´s still 5 days left on the Kickstarter watch though. So if you feel like showing the Drinking game some lovin on Kickstarter. Then you better hurry up!

About Drinking Quest:
"It's a Drinking Game and a Tabletop RPG! The first 3 Drinking Quest games were cult hits-now they've been remastered with new content.

In 2011 Drinking Quest: The Original Drinking RPG spawned a hilarious new genre. The Drinking Quest games are a light RPG, a light Drinking Game (with non drinking rules as well) and a heavy parody experience because it's such a ridiculous concept.

Since then two sequels have been released: Yeddy Vedder's Yeti Adventure (2012) and Nectar of the Gods (2013).

The goal of Trilogy Edition is to bring all three games together seamlessly in one package and make all kinds of improvements like:

- Full Colour Cards
- An Improved D4, D6, D8 System (Instead of 3D6) This adds complexity to the game without adding a single new rule.
- Bigger Cards while still staying a good size to bring to the pub
- A Bigger, More Attractive Box
- Up to 3 new Quests (Consisting of 12 cards each)
- Other smaller improvements (Think remastered Star Trek not remastered Star Wars)"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

10. places to find a Hot Gamer girlfriend

asian gamer female
Yes, there are plenty of female Gamer pros in the world. Espacialy in Asia.

There are a lot of places to find a Hot Gamer Girlfriend. The problem is a lot of guys don’t really know how to approach them to begin with. Self-confidence plays a major role in getting a girl to speak to you, even if it’s simply saying “Hi.” Without confidence they’ll never speak to you, or even give you the time of day. Women can smell fear like fine cologne, or even a nice barbecue on the fourth of July. It clings to your body, and mannerisms as if it were clothing.

Even if you have never spoken to a girl, you can become a major player in the game of life, just by following these 10 steps, and adding your own spin onto the techniques. Before we get to the list let’s go over general tips, and best practices for talking to girls, shall we?

General tips/ Best practices:

Don’t be a sideline player:
If you play Call of Duty, or World of Warcraft, you know that sitting on the sidelines you can’t yield very good results. You have to be active in the conversation, and the experience with her. The worst thing you can do is make a girl feel like she’s the one doing all the work, in the conversation, and the relationship. This will end in disaster quickly, and unfortunately it does happen very often.

Once you get her number STOP TALKING:
We have this problem a lot, we keep talking until the girl loses interest. More often than not they’ll usually just not respond once we contact them with a text or a call. If she gives you her number, stop talking, and find a way to keep her eager to have you contact her.

Change the flow of the conversation, but stay on course with what you were talking about initially. If you’re somewhere that you can’t sit and talk, let her know you’ll get in touch soon, and wait until after 7pm to call, or text. Why after 7pm? Because at that time she’ll be comfortably at home, and you won’t have to worry about her saying things like:

“Oh I’m out with family,” or “I’ll, I’m shopping right now.” It increases your chances to find out more about her, and gives her a happier feeling that you wanted to call and say goodnight to her. Women love knowing you want your voice to be the last thing they hear at night, or a good morning text. You’ll start getting Emoji messages in no time flat guys.

Don’t be an Otaku all the time:
Alright so the girl is a gamer and she’s hot right? But that doesn’t mean she always wants to be surrounded by it at all times, or even when you’re spending time together. Put the controller, or mouse down sometimes. So having said that, incorporate other things into what you like to do, like letting her choose an activity, after you go comic shopping, or traveling to the craft store for your Comic-Con cosplay outfit.

Just remember, she’ll be the best game you’ve ever played or conquered, once you learn to push start.

Ok now onto the list, for 10. Best places to find a Hot Gamer Girlfriend.

gamer girl by i am thomas
That´s the spirit!

10. Disneyland:
This one is a given, since everyone knows the Magical Kingdom + Mickey Mouse = Hot girls. I know it sounds strange, but besides the family setting, you will find a lot of very nice girls here you can talk to, especially because they will be in the same element that you are comfortable with.

Being in a family element can make things seem a little strange, especially because dad will be there, but you can pull off big surprises by being a fresh face in Anaheim CA, when you meet her. Whether it’s buying her a smoked turkey leg, or going to the Mad Hatter’s shop for the matching Mickey Mouse ears, she’ll love it.

She won’t want the magic to end, so she’ll definitely give you a sign that she’s interested by giving her number, or social media info. The best way to finish the night off after you get her number earlier in the day is to ask where you should meet her to say good night.

If she says she’s not staying till dark, simply respond with: “So we can’t watch the fireworks together?” Trust me, she wants to watch the fireworks or better yet Fantasia with you, and will somehow convince her family, or friends to stay till after 10pm just for you. Just make sure you buy her cotton candy or popcorn and grab a good spot for the grand finale, and watch the sparks fly.

9. League of Legends, and World of Warcraft.
League of Legends and many other great MMORPG’s like Dota 2, or World of Warcraft offer a diverse selection of girls. Joining a clan, or going PVP will help to meet a lot of single girls, and even set you up with new Guild Members. Mila Kunis, Cameron Diaz, and Kate Beckinsale play World of Warcraft, and kick major ass doing it. The unfortunate side is that they usually play without their microphones on due to people knowing who they are, and having fanboys stalk them.

However with the booming popularity of World of Warcraft and League of Legends, finding a local tournament, and meeting girls there isn’t that hard. Trying to deal with them being better than you at PVP is though. You can get access to their contact info pretty easily once you link up for a local game, and play a while. What’s the best part? Now that you can go to college on a scholarship to play League of Legends it gives you a higher chance to find a girl in the crowd at a school tournament.

8. Hot Topic.
Surprisingly enough, finding a hot girl at a Hot Topic isn’t that uncommon. Simple enough, you’ll find them searching for fishnet stockings, or punk rock CD’s. Even anime memorabilia can be found at Hot Topic, and usually weekends are when you want to frequent the shop. Gothic Lolita girls are just nerdy gamer girls dressed in black.

The tradeoff for Hot Topic, is that you’ll find yourself grabbing a graphic art T-shirt while mingling for a hot girl to talk to. Usually they’re not as scary to approach as you think, the tattoo sleeve she has, is a extension of her personality, and you’ll be surprised to listen to the stories behind their origins.

7. Community College:
As bad as this may sound it’s completely true. I dated a fan girl who went to college to learn Japanese thinking she could move there and be accepted, and it didn’t work out very well for her. Many fan girls often take language courses at local community colleges, because it’s cost effective, and they dream of going to the country of origin; most often Japan.

Pursuing a career in voice acting is usually the goal of young fan girls, so they take language courses to try to study abroad, and land a job being a voice actor. What you get out of the deal is a great girl who can make you a Bento box, and say amusing things in Japanese. If you’re lucky you may even get her to make you a paper crane, and the occasional cosplay modeling session before you go to the local convention.

6. Movie theatres:
You may not know it, but where there is a mall, there’s a food court, and Movie theatres. It doesn’t always matter what movie you go to see, but of course there are the occasional one’s you want to watch for to ensure ladies will be present.

Kids movies:
Remember Frozen?
Of course you do, that catchy little song “Let it go,” not only captured the hearts of millions of little princesses, it made the sleeper hit blow up overnight. We can also thank Maleficent for doing the same. One of the best things about Disney movies is that they always guarantee that an older sister will be with the younger one, sometimes even a mom. Grab a young relative or a grandparent and get on to the flick.

Scary movies:
Insidious 2 and Oculus were two of the scariest movies to grace the silver screen in the last 3 years. I’d only say that the Conjuring was scarier than Oculus only because of the plot twists. Either way, going to a scary movie with no expectation of finding a single girl, will reap great results, in a lot of surprising ways.

5. Deviant art
This website usually connects people looking for an artist, or even, a graphic designer to be hired. You wouldn’t really expect to find people dating on the site at all, and yet they do. The best thing is, you can follow their posts, in a journalistic fashion, and even send them messages to find out more about them. You can check out their websites, and social media profiles just to see what they’re all about.

Girls usually occupy a vast majority of the site, and won’t turn down talking to you if you have something relevant to speak on. The good thing is that their profile will tell you what they’re into, and can definitely give you the 1-Up you need to introduce yourself. The greatest part is, if you’re in the market for a girlfriend, and a business partner you’ve found your home base of operations.

4. Renaissance Faire/ L.A.R.P events
This is a goldmine for finding girls who definitely want to see your creative side. Renaissance Faire and L.A.R.P (Live action role playing) events is the best spot to find girls who are brainy, and artistic. Out of about every 10 girls who come 8 of them made their own costume, or are aspiring actresses. It’s pretty awesome to take in the scenery, and get to battle it out with a Valkyrie warrior who wants to steal your mead.

The plus side is that the ladies who go are usually local, and are looking to have a great time, and enjoy a lot of good food and classical music. You can chat any of them up with no problem usually, simply by complimenting them on their choice of garb, and inquiring about how to get your own made. Bingo, you have an opening to ask for her number, or better yet spend the rest of the faire together talking, and learning about each other.

3. Comic Book stores.
While this is an obvious given, a lot of guys don’t actually know how often women come in here to shop for themselves. The great thing about them coming in is you’ll know when you see a fresh face, depending upon how often you frequent the location. You will have pretty stiff competition depending upon what her selection yields when she comes up to the register. So for this reason, it may pay off to be pretty tight with the cashier, or shop owner to see what she chose.

I know what you’re thinking “That’s stalking, and weird.” I’ll be the first one to say it; don’t hunters do the same thing when they’re trying to find a deer? What about the FBI when you download illegal songs? They all do their homework, so that they are better prepared for the ensuing battle. In your case it just happens to be a battle of hearts, and minds.

You can also use the opportunity to introduce your expertise upon comics, and rare facts she may not know about. For instance, Spider-Man fans would be surprised to know in the original comic Gwen Stacy was Peter Parker’s love BEFORE Mary Jane even came into the picture. And Peter Parkers daughter May “Mayday” Parker became Spider-Girl, and later the Scarlet Spider, but her canon was reset when he made a deal with the devil to resurrect his Aunt May Parker erasing her from existence.

Girls love tiny tidbits of information like this, especially because they fall in love with the plot, and theme of the comic more than we do. As men generally speaking we go for the action, silliness, and the story. Remember when Soul Eater was the new hottest thing? Of course you do. But with Manga, Anime, and even Comics resetting themselves for newer generations, many women are being left behind, due to the demographic shifting back towards men. However with Sailor Moon being rebooted soon this could balance things back out.

2. Conventions and Expo’s
Yeah I know what you’re thinking how is this number 2? The reason is as ever clear as I have listed 3-10. While conventions do serve as a great playing field to score a touchdown with a lot of hot girls, and maybe a few working at the booths, (Not booth babes, they’ll never talk back, they’re high class hoe’s, and not worth the time) or the convention floor.

The benefit of getting into the convention or even going to the free parties some of the developers throw is that you can always find a girl or two lingering, not talking to anyone. 9 times out of 10 they don’t want to talk to anyone, but you can always use your charm to break them out of their shells. The reason girls dress up for cosplay (beside the fact they love the character) is because they are insecure with their own personality.

It’s true, (again reaching from personal experience) they feel empowered, and fully in control when they dress as Rosalina from Super Mario Bros. or Bayonetta. If you decide to dress up, or are going in with a media pass, grab one and ask her if she wants to go behind the scenes to see the media side.

As strange as it sounds, this creates a first date scenario, which puts you at the advantage, because you’re in control of the situation. It creates a lightning fast bond with her that won’t be severed so easily, and you can always connect better later as you travel throughout the convention. Now this next part is essential remember these steps:

Be interested:
Don’t just listen passively actually remember pertinent facts so you can recall them later, if she asks you something. I’ll be honest sometimes the conversation can go on a tangent you don’t want to go into, but you can control the direction of the conversation by interjecting when it becomes drawn out.

Offer a change of scenery:
If she came with friends there’s no way in hell she’s going to abandon them for you. However if she’s from out of town you can ask if she wants to grab something to eat after the convention closes for the day. It’ll give you a chance to see how nice she cleans up, and how well you can dress to compliment her. Of course she may just do the T-shirt and jeans route, and leave you looking stupid for dressing up. Either way try to make it a great first impression, take her to a nice place and speak more.

Seal the deal:
You’re only going to get one shot meeting a girl at a convention, and at all costs you have to hit your target if you want her to be yours. Cheesiness will help you out a lot; especially if you quote anime’s just to get laughs. I don’t know why exactly, but it does work quite well. If you match this with her curiosity for exploration, you will find yourself with a very open book worth reading. So read it, remember she’s just as nervous as you are, if not more, but be brave because a closed mouth won’t get fed guys.

1. Electronics stores:
Believe it or not, this is the number one spot to find single, hot nerdy girls. Why? Because whether they’re looking for the new Boxset of Bleach, Outlaw Star, or the HD version of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 remix, they’re here. It doesn’t matter if it’s Gamestop (I used to work here) , or Best Buy, I know for a fact that they’re always there, and if you know when to drop in you’ll find them, and can chat it up with them depending on  why they’re there.

Usually girls go to electronics stores simply to find a game or a gift for a male relative, or friend. The benefit if you work there, or frequently stop in, is that you can don the Superman cape and swoop in to save the day, and be her hero. It may not seem like much since you only have a 2-3 minute window to steer the conversation in the direction you need it to be in, but you can definitely boost your confidence by doing the following:

Balls of Steel:
Duke Nukem was fearless, and you should be too. If you’re scared to step up to the plate, you have to remember someone else will, and they’ll smash the homerun and win the ball game. Don’t stress the approach let it be casual, and observe everything you before you make a move.

Get or Give something:
If she uses you to consult for the item as a stranger, simply ask “Well who’s it for?” This lets you know if she’s taken or not, if she answers cousin, or relative, ask: “Well what does your boyfriend play?” Even though it sounds like you’re making conversation to her, she’s giving you all the information you need to make your next move. If she gives you all the green lights, introduce your influence to her: “Can I be honest with you?” “I highly recommend…”and the classic “I’ll wear the Superman cape for you.”

Women love honesty, it’s what makes them trust, and care completely about anything anyone says. If you look her in the eye and ask that question, she’s going to want to know. By highly recommending something, she’ll listen to your suggestion, since she couldn’t really draw a conclusion herself. Not saying she couldn’t, she just needed another opinion, and “Highly recommending something,” she’ll be more inclined to take your suggestion.

Ok I’ll be honest the “Superman cape” line is just to break any tension that may have been created. She’ll laugh, since it’ll make her think of a strong guy (You) swooping in to save the day (Hers). The best thing to do is laugh lightly, don’t giggle or snicker, since she’ll think you were poking fun at her. So now she’s looking at you with “That look,” take over and walk with her to the register, or around the store.

After she’s getting ready to leave (whether you work there or not) give her a card, or paper with your number, and tell her if she has any questions or curiosities call or text you anytime. Bingo, she’ll contact you, or search your social media to find you.

Well that’s the list, aside from a few other places that don’t have true impact due to the environment, it’s pretty accurate. In time you’ll find your own way to win a girls heart, but remember it begins and ends with two things: Self-confidence, and 3 deep breaths.

Let us know what you thought in the comments below!

tgg author avatar kenay peterson
/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground

Heldric - Part 1 - The ancestor of Al Bundy

heldric part 1
Al Bundy´s family was cursed hundreds, and hundreds of years ago,

I just heard about Astral Byte´s action/tower defense/hack n slash game "Heldric". So, i gave it a try. And i have to say that it´s pretty freaking awesome! Heldric may not look like a great game (the graphics).

But it´s entertaining as hell to play. And imo, that´s all that matters really. That you have a fun time while you play i mean. And i couldn't resist to do a "Married with Children" reference to our Heldric video. Because the full title nameof the game are "Heldric: The legend of the shoemaker.

And Al Bundy was a shoesellsman. Well, you get the point. So, please enjoy the video ;)

/Jonas E
The Gaming Ground

Steampunker - A 2D steampunk adventure game for mobile

As steampunk as a steampunk game gets.

Steampunk games has been on the rise to PC and consoles for quite sometime now. But it seems like more and more steampunk games get´s released to mobile as well. And last night we were contacted by the indie studio Telehorse.

Because they are working really hard on their iOS steampunk game "Steampunker" (which Telehorse plan to release sometime this summer). And i have to say that i really liked the trailer for Steampunker. So "hopefully" we will get a chance to play it asap!


About Steampunker:
"STEAMPUNKER is a stunning 2D adventure game set in an astonishing Steampunk world. In the game the player takes on the role of a gentleman hero named Vincent who, facing the invasion of evil robots from space, needs to save his Victorian future world. That world (inspired by old rusty machines, Steampunk or Dieselpunk style, old science-fiction books and Victorian graphics) has been attacked and now he's the only one who can save it.

In the five main chapters of this game, Vincent has to use his imagination and creativity to fix a variety of machines and mechanisms as well as solve a series of puzzles and brain teasers. The puzzles are linked together by a consistency of this Steampunk world into a traditional "point-and-click" adventure story. The ultimate mission of the STEAMPUNKER is to save the planet and deal the final blow to the evil robots.

Navigation is simple and intuitive. It doesn't distract you from the brain teasers and you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the game. Another distinctive feature is the original oneiric soundtrack. Music and sound effects have been created by Silver Rocket, which has also developed and recorded the concept-album Tesla about the iconic (not only for a steampunk lover) genius -- Nikola Tesla."

- Unique adventure / point'n'click exploration game
- Five main chapters and over 30 exciting mini games, puzzles and brain teasers
- A stunning, alluring atmosphere and immersive Steampunk world
- Absorbing game play and simple navigation
- Outstanding music by Silver Rocket
- Unique adventure / point'n'click exploration game
- Absorbing game play and simple navigation • Outstanding music by Silver Rocket

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Star Conflict - The Invasion mode and sandbox exploration

star conflict 
Star Conflict offers a lot of intense space action.

I don´t know if it would be a good way to describe StarGem Inc. and Gaijin Entertainment’s F2P MMO action game "Star Conflict", as the space/sandbox version of "World of tanks". But that was the first thing that came to my mind when i watched the "Invasion" trailer.

And if you liked that trailer. Then i´ve got some more good news for you. Because Star Conflict has just Introduced the Invasion mode, and the sandbox exploration abilities for the players in the closed beta. So that means that all those features should soon be available for everyone else.

You can however still play Star Conflict as of today!

Press release:
"StarGem Inc. and Gaijin Entertainment’s epic free-to-play MMO action game, Star Conflict, gets an exciting update with the new “Invasion Mode”, which is in Closed Beta until the end of summer. In order to access this new mode, Star Conflict players will need to earn one of the following achievements: Strikeforce Prometheus or Universe Conqueror.

Invasion mode has an underlying story in which an alien race disappeared into another dimension of space and time, now they have found a way back but this time they are heading up an invasion. Star Conflict players will be able to team up in parties of four to explore the new ‘Open Space’ area and combine forces as they take on new quests and engage in PvP and PvE battles. These new activities provide new loot, which can also be used to craft unique armament options and protection for their spaceships.

“The inclusion of Invasion Mode into the virtual world of Star Conflict provides a unique and unpredictable game dynamic that introduces more variables to the player’s space combat experience. Not only do players have to worry about PVP attacks in the free to explore environment but alien ships can suddenly appear close to player’s own ship without warning, forcing them to make the lightning quick decision to flee or fight” Said Stanislav Skorb, Director, Star Gem Inc.

Skillful Star Conflict Players can access the new invasion mode if they have already acquired the Universe Conqueror or Strikeforce Prometheus achievements. Those players who have just joined the game have a full summer to gain the 1000 points required in order to get the Universe Conqueror achievement. Alternatively players looking for quick access can also obtain the Strikeforce Prometheus achievement by purchasing 6000 Galactic Standards separately or in different packs.

Obtaining the Strikeforce Prometheus achievement will be much easier over the next few days. In honor of the launch of “Invasion Mode”, Star Conflict packs and ingame currency will be discounted up to 75% through its online shop (http://star-conflict.com/en/store/) and Steam until the end of the month."

About Star Conflict:
"Developed by Star Gem Inc, Star Conflict is an action-packed, massively multiplayer space simulation game that puts players in the roles of elite pilots engaging in a widespread interplanetary skirmish.

The game includes a wide variety of battleships, from light and fast interceptors to powerful fighters and well-defended frigates. Players can choose to go it alone or team up with friends to form powerful alliances. The combination of strategic and skill based gameplay in Star Conflict allows players to develop their abilities and establish specialized skills."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

The Mana Pool - MTG Merchandise to the people!

the mana pool
Chewie Slate really loves Magic the gathering (and his fans).

I sure know what it´s like to chase a dream. Because all i ever wanted to do really was to entertain people. But it´s a long and hard way to the top (to make a living in the show biz). But everythings possible if you put your mind to it.

Hard work and determination are the key to success. So when i watched Chewie Slate´s Kickstarter campaign for "The Mana Pool". I could totally relate to his situation. He loves to do new content for "The Mana Pool" (Chewie has been doing that for over 7 years now).

But the problem is this. The Mana Pool don´t pay any of Chewie´s bills. In short, he can´t make a living out of what he loves that most. And that´s really frustrating. But that may change. Well, at least if Chewie´s Kickstarter campaign gets funded.

The goal would be to collect $10,000 within 26 days from now. So i wish Chewie the best of luck with that!
About The Mana Pool:
"Providing a complete line-up of long-awaited The Mana Pool merchandise and creating entertaining content for you full time. Hi there, I'm Chewie. I'm the creator and lead host of The Mana Pool, a long-running podcast devoted to the collectible card game Magic: the Gathering.

We focus on all the fun that can be had with the game rather than the usual strategy-oriented content and tournament results. My three cohosts and I get together over Skype every week to talk about this game that we love and record it for our listeners to enjoy. We also have content on our website, TheManaPool.com. At least we did whenever I had lots of free time to produce content.

More on that later. The goal of this project is twofold. First, I want to get enough money to make all the merchandise people have been asking for since the show started. And we've been around for almost seven years, so people have been asking for a long time. But since merch costs money, and we don't actually make any money from the show, we've never been able to create anything for the listeners. That's why the first goal is going to cover production and shipping of the merch along with anything else like paying my artist and designer, Kickstarter fees, and stuff I'm sure I've forgotten.

We're talking TMP sleeves, t-shirts, playmats, and even custom dork tokens featuring the TMP hosts. Oh, and stickers. Let's not forget stickers. You can find a lot more information (and examples!) about all the merch a little further down in its section. Second, I want to focus on creating content for you guys.

I want to have all the time in the world to turn all these crazy ideas in my head into reality. I want to make running The Mana Pool my full-time job. Ideally, I'd want a year to really get everything running hard and be able to find a way to make it self-sustaining. But I know that's a bit much to ask with an all-or-nothing funding goal, so the initial goal is just going to cover making the merchandise. If this goes ridiculously well, stretch goals will offer you guys more reasons to back me and give me the time needed to create stuff."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Clandestine have now reached the alpha stage

Clandestine will be released sometime this year for PC.

Things are going rather well for the Danish indie game studio Logic Artists. Because their third-person stealth game "Clandestine", have now reached the alpha stage. And just recently Logic Artists released a new developer blog video (V-log) as well.

So, check it out people! ;)

Press release:
"Copenhagen, Denmark -- June 26, 2014 -- Danish indie developer Logic Artists today announced that Clandestine is now in alpha for PC. Set during the mid-1990’s, Clandestine is a globetrotting spy fantasy with asymmetrical cooperative gameplay mechanics and a deep, dark storyline.

With the alpha announcement, Logic Artists has also revealed new details about the two player roles in Clandestine: The Spy and The Hacker. Using familiar 3rd-person stealth game mechanics such as concealed weapons, (including grenades and handguns), a stealth cover system, brutal lethal as well as non-lethal takedowns and cool gadgets, the Spy must covertly enter corporate headquarters, hideouts and safe houses across two continents.

Meanwhile, the Hacker utilizes a 2D computer interface, reminiscent of the mid-1990’s, to run support for the Spy on the ground by controlling and disabling security cameras, locking and unlocking digitally controlled doors and systems, blinding enemies by synchronously turning on and off all lights in an area, bribing enemies and non-player characters (NPCs) and coordinating Dead Drops of Health and Ammo for the Spy.

“The symbiotic relationship between the Spy and the Hacker forms the backbone of Clandestine’s gameplay mechanics, as to achieve success players must work together and communicate to overcome obstacles and escape dangerous situations”, said Jonas Wæver, Lead Designer for Logic Artists. “Now that we have reached the alpha milestone we are really ironing out the co-op features of Clandestine to make sure that whether gamers prefer to play as Hacker or Spy, each role is equally as fun, interesting and satisfying”.

About Clandestine
"The year is 1996, five years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a string of accidents and murders have gone unnoticed by the public, but have put the world of espionage on high alert. Former Cold War operatives, believing their cover intact, are being assassinated around the globe. Soviet and NATO spies are being targeted indiscriminately, causing turmoil and suspicion on all sides."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

The Hit Squad - A 8-bit movie full of comedy and madness!

the hit squad
If you feel like laughing. Then you should watch The Hit Squad!

If there's one movie that i absolutely MUST watch asap. Then it´s uper Pixel Brothers upcoming 8-bit comedy movie "The Hit Squad". Because i really like the whole concept behind the movie. I mean, it´s a 8-bit movie that´s set in the 1980s.

That offers both sex, synthesisers and skullduggery. What more could you want really? ;)

About The Hit Squad:
A movie about sex, synthesisers and skullduggery. In the 1980s, pop music hit its creative peak. The only limit was the imagination. Luckily there was someone to do all of the imagining for you, The Hit Squad. Present day The Hit Squad are enjoying a well deserved rest. However, little do they know that a new evil arises and threatens to change their lives forever. Can they defeat the evil Scourge Studios and win back their fame, fortune and the keys to the infamous ‘Fun Cupboard’?

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Shovel Knight Original Soundtrack - Jake Kaufman

shovel knight original soundtrack
Epic game, epic soundtrack. So, buy them both asap!

What can i say really. Jake Kaufman has done it again! I´ve been listning to the Shovel Knight soundtrack all morning long today. And i freaking love it! It actually reminded me a lot about the Shining Force series for some reason.

Anyhow, i bought the Shovel Knight OST (i paid 10 bucks for it) via bandcamp just now. And i would recommend you guys to buy it as well. Because you get 48 epic tracks at any price you want! (it´s a "name your price" kind of deal).

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

InSomnia - A dieselpunk RPG

Fallout 2 + Planescape Torment + Dieselpunk = InSomnia! 

I was one of many hardcore Fallout fans that waited eagerly for Fallout Online (Project v13, a Interplay production) to be released. But we all know what happened with that game (don´t we now?). Well, i haven't been that much interested in any other RPG games since then. 

But today we got contacted by the nice folks at Mono Studios. Because they just happen to be working on a really neat dieselpunk RPG game named "InSomnia". And i just watched the Kickstarter video for InSomnia, and i have to say that InSomnia looks really promising.

I also like the fact that InSomnia has been inspired by WW1, WW2, Fallout 2 and Planescape Torment. I mean, that´s one hell of a mix! So i really hope that InSomnia will be able to collect those $70,000 via Kickstarter. Because then we got both InSomnia and Wasteland 2 to look forward to!

Press release:
"SAMARA, Russia – June 25, 2014 – InSomnia—the post-apocalyptic RPG that enthralled gamers with its Art Deco- inspired setting—has returned to Kickstarter with tons of gameplay footage, new reward tiers, and an in-engine tech demo. After only two days, the game has earned $12,700 toward Studio MONO’s goal of $70,000.

InSomnia introduces players to a retro-futuristic space station (“The Ark”) on its 400-year journey in search of a new home. Several centuries earlier, war-torn Noman survivors boarded the Ark to flee their planet and escape the conflict between the Republic of Noma and the SORG Regime. Most of InSomnia takes place inside the gargantuan, half-deserted vessel—which is slowly making its way toward the elusive Evacuation Point. If the Ark fails to reach the Evacuation Point, billions of Nomans will have died in vain.

InSomnia’s real-time combat gameplay is realistic and fast-paced—and mastering it largely depends on understanding how to manage stamina, weight loads, weapons, and armor. For example, player characters will tire without enough stamina—thus lowering combat efficiency.

Likewise, much depends on equipment choices because inventory capacity is realistically limited to a few equipment slots and pockets per character. Each individual ammo pack has its own weight rating, and heavy machine guns are actually heavy! It’s up to the player to choose between inhabiting a slow, hulking warrior with the ability to throw one or two heavy blows— or going for a nimble character who relies on speed in order to come out ahead in combat.

“InSomnia drops players into a dark, damp space station where competing factions battle for supremacy using any weapon or tactic they see fit,” says Anatoliy Guyduk, lead developer at Studio MONO. “We self-funded development and invested more than two years of our lives into InSomnia. Hopefully, what we have achieved so far will prove to potential backers that this is the real deal–and that InSomnia deserves their support on Kickstarter!”

InSomnia is expected to be completed by Q4 2015 and will be released on PC, Mac, and Linux."

Key features:
- Play it your way: Backers will receive both DRM-free and Steam versions of the game.
- Go it alone or assemble a crew: Pick between being a lone wolf in single-player mode or going for co-op with friends and family.
- Fight in real time: Develop your character through tactical real-time combat—combining hundreds of skills and abilities.
- Catch the drift: InSomnia will support French, German, English, Spanish, Polish, and Russian.
- Prove your worth: Survive starvation, extreme weather, and serious injuries.
- Free your mind: Break free from leveling systems, character classes, and tedious grind.
- Embrace the unpredictable: Expect the unexpected with randomly-generated events and missions that
keep things interesting.
- Experience the next chapter: Immerse yourself in rich storylines that are updated regularly.
- InSomnia will ship with 15-20 hours of main storyline plus 20-30 hours of side quests (first season/year).
- More than 20 free chapters are planned after release, with 3-6 hours of gameplay each.
- Solve the puzzle: Embark on non-linear quests and missions with several possible solutions.

About Studio MONO:
Studio MONO was founded in Samara, Russia in 2011 by a group of artists, technologists, and enthusiasts united by their dream project -- InSomnia. With a development team comprised of individuals from all over the world -- including Malaysia, the U.S., Russia, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Ukraine. 

Studio MONO is a talented group of professionals who have been active in the world of game design for many years. For more information on Studio MONO and InSomnia, please visit http://www.insomnia-project.com/ and the project’s Kickstarter page at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1892480689/insomnia-an-rpg-set-in-a-brutal-dieselpunk-univers

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Supernauts - Out now for iOS!

From Finland with a lot of Gamer love.

Finland has been a well known Gaming nation for many years now (Max Payne, Alan Wake, Angry Birds). But due the fact that more and more Finnish game studios pop up like mushrooms in the ground all over Finland. That also creates a wide range of different games.

And that of course helps Finland to reach out to more and more people (Gamers) all over the world. And Grand Cru´s puzzle/social buildning iOS game "Supernauts", seems to be yet another smash hit from Finland.

But there´s more good news folks. Because Supernauts was released yesterday on the App store. And it´s all free-to-play. So, game on people! 

Press release:
"Helsinki, Finland – June 25th, 2014 – Supernauts, the brand new social building game is now globally available
to download for free on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. In the game, the polar ice caps have melted and it is up to the players as Supernauts to rescue people from the flood and build a new world in space, block by block. Supernauts is crafted by Grand Cru, a company twice named by Wired Magazine as one of the hottest start-up companies in Europe.

“Grand Cru is a game studio focused on developing groundbreaking mobile games of the finest quality and we’re aiming to revolutionize social gaming with Supernauts,” said Markus Pasula, CEO of Grand Cru. “Created for a broad audience, the game is truly social and provides players with multiple ways to share their creations and experiences. We want to take real-time social interactions in mobile gaming in to another level.

Playing the role of a Supernaut, your mission is to rescue stranded citizens from flooded Earth and build a new world for them in space. The casual, touch screen native game offers the players a truly social 3D gameplay experience, providing them with a wide array of building blocks and materials to create everything they can imagine. In addition to the world-building element, Supernauts features ongoing, themed contests where players from all over the world compete together in teams to rebuild Earth.

“We have spent over two years perfecting the gameplay experience for the iPad, and we are certain that with our intuitive user interface everyone will be able to join the fun of creating awesome worlds in 3D,” Pasula explains."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Pure Pool - New trailer and information

Experience pool like you´ve never experienced it before!

Alright, i´m going to be really honest now. I´m not a great pool player. At least not now days. But back in high school i was pretty good. Anyhow, i might get a new chance to become really good at pool again. Because Voofoo Studios are working really hard on their Pool game "Pure Pool" (for PS4, Xbox One and PC).

And Pure Pool received some really good feedback when Ripstone (the publisher of Pure Pool) showed of the game at E3 some weeks ago. So "hopefully" Pure Pool will get released asap! But in the meanwhile, feel free to checkout the new trailer!

Press release
"Many pool simulators have claimed to have cracked the game on console in the past, but VooFoo Studios' Pure Pool offers fans the greatest reason of all time to pick up a virtual cue – it’s the next best thing to real life pool. Publisher Ripstone exhibited the game earlier this month at E3, and everyone who got to experience it in action felt the effects first hand.

Now the rest of the world can see exactly what was turning heads in LA as a new video is released...

Watch and share the new trailer on Youtube.

VooFoo Studios has a growing reputation for superior game simulations with stunning hyper real visuals, from Hustle Kings to Pure Chess, and their latest opus raises the bar higher than ever. Launching on PC via Steam,  Playstation®4 and Xbox One Pure Pool offers immediately accessible gameplay with high quality visuals and flawless physics, but there's so much more to it than that.

Join The Cue
Pure Pool is a socially connected game through and through and will immerse you in a bustling virtual pool hall packed with online players, all just itching to get racked up and take you on! Be it in a one-off head- to-head or as part of one of many global online leagues.

However, the unique Pure DNA profiling feature even gives solo gameplay a social dimension, allowing you to practice your shots against friends in their absence by playing an AI interpretation based on their playing styles. Players will even be able to take on the developers, simply by downloading their DNA profiles – which will be free at launch.

Pure Pool will be available to download soon, but for now just feast your eyes upon what lies in store... and prepare for the most authentic pool experience from the comfort of your couch!"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

The Banner Saga fulfills multilingual promise

the banner saga
The Banner Saga will soon be available for mobile as well.

Things are going really well for Stoic studios and their RPG/strategy game "The Banner Saga". Because not only has the game done really well to PC and MAC (reviews, feedback and so on). There´s also a mobile version in the making (which will be released this summer).

And to make things even better. Stoic studio´s just fulfilled their promise about a multilingual version of The Banner Saga. So a big congrats to Stoic and Versus Evil!

Press release:
"(Austin, TX) June 26, 2014 -- Independent developer Stoic, in partnership with indie publisher Versus Evil, today announced that The Banner Saga has now been localized and is available in French, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish languages for PC and Mac. The team also officially announced that this award winning Viking saga is coming to mobile devices this summer.

“Releasing The Banner Saga in multiple languages is a promise we made to our backers when we launched our Kickstarter in 2012,” said John Watson, Technical Director at Stoic. “We are happy to be able to keep this promise by finally releasing the game in multiple languages. In addition to PC and Mac the game will also be available in multiple languages on mobile devices when we launch the game later this summer and look forward to sharing this experience with a whole new audience!”

“Having The Banner Saga launch on tablets later this summer and launching localized language versions, has been quite an achievement for the Stoic team,” said Steve Escalante, General Manager of Versus Evil. “We’re in full support of their efforts and are working closely with the developers to bring the best experience to not only to our new international players, but our soon to be mobile players as well.”

The Banner Saga is an epic role-playing Viking saga with turn-based tactical combat where the player’s choice in travel, conversation and combat determines the outcome of their own personal story as well as the survival of an entire civilization.

The game features stunning 2D animation and art, a unique tactical combat system and a cast of unforgettable characters that drive the story forward. The journey is enhanced by a beautiful and haunting original score by Grammy nominated, and two-time BAFTA winner, composer Austin Wintory conducting The Dallas Winds orchestra, as well as a powerhouse trio of acclaimed YouTube sensations: Peter Hollens, Malukah and Taylor Davis.

The Banner Saga is available now through Steam, UPlay, GameFly, GameStop, GOG and Gamers Gate for PC and Mac. A digital Deluxe Edition is also available through select retailers which includes the game and complete soundtrack."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Marvel Heroes 2015 - Now available on MAC

marvel heroes 2015
Marvel Heroes 2015, now for MAC.

It toke a while. I can admit that much. But the wait is now over. Because Gazillion have finally released their mega hit "Marvel Heroes 2015 " for MAC. But as they say. Better late than never, right? Anyhow, you will find all the details and info about the MAC version of Marvel Heroes 2015 down below.

May you have a pleasant read ;)

Press release:
"(SAN MATEO, Calif.) June 24, 2014 -- Today Marvel Heroes 2015, the latest iteration of the free online action RPG based in the Marvel Universe, is now available on Mac along with Silver Surfer, the 35th and latest hero to be added to the ever-expanding playable roster. With day one access to new features including the Battle of Muspelheim Raid, Omega System and Daily Shared Quests as well as the continued one-month anniversary celebration, Marvel Heroes 2015 introduces the best experience possible for Mac players.

“This was one of the most popular requests from our players and as an Apple fan myself; I am very happy to announce that Marvel Heroes 2015 has now arrived on Mac,” said David Brevik, CEO, Gazillion. “Marvel Heroes 2015 brings players our best gaming experience to date and Mac players will benefit from this on day one, including the ability to receive our 365 anniversary gifts. PC or Mac, it’s a great day to be a Marvel Heroes 2015 player.”

“Gazillion continues to make the best gaming experience possible with Marvel Heroes 2015 and we’re pleased to see that Mac players will now have an opportunity to play,” said T.Q. Jefferson, Marvel Entertainment's Vice President of Production, Games.

Similar to the PC version, Marvel Heroes 2015 on Mac will receive the same content updates from Gazillion including new heroes, costumes, modes, and improvements each and every month. Along with the release of the latest playable hero, Silver Surfer, PC and Mac players can look forward to more features launching throughout the anniversary month and beyond including:

Achievements: Account-wide and hero-specific achievements

Login Rewards: A system that rewards dedicated players

End of Anniversary surprise

For more information about Marvel Heroes 2015, please visit the official website at www.marvelheroes2015.com

Minimum Mac Requirements: OSX 10.8, Intel Core 2 Duo or better processor, 512MB video card (NVIDIA 9600m GT, Intel HD 4000 or better), 4GB RAM, 30GB HDD, Broadband Internet."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Redneck Assassin - A tale of revenge!

redneck assassin
Not to be confused with "Redneck Rampage".

Way back in the 90s there was a FPS title called "Redneck Rampage" (Xatrix Entertainment, 1997). Well, it wasn't exactly the best of games. But i still had a lot of fun with Redneck Rampage. Mainly because of the games bizarre humor, crazy enemies (and weapons for that matter) and the somewhat "retarded" main characters.

Well, BloodShot Games are working on a mobile game that reminded me a lot of Redneck Rampage. And it´s called "Redneck Assassin" (for iOS and Android). Redneck Assassin are however not a FPS game. Nope, it´s a third person action game.

And you play as a deer that wants to take out his (her?) revenge on the rednecks. Sounds great right? Well, that´s just the half of it. Because there´s also a Kickstarter campaign for Redneck Assassin. And from what i can tell, the game has already been funded (the goal was $5).

But due the fact that there´s still 32 days left on the Kickstarter watch. And every dollar will help Redneck Assassin to reach new stretch goals. So if you like the Kickstarter video, then show the game some love on Kickstarter ;)

And oh! You can download and play the Redneck Assassin demo as if today! (iOS and Android).

Shot down in the woods and left for dead. Our hero Hirsch Deer is found barely alive in the woods by the Legendary Sasquatch who takes Hirsch back to his cave. After Hirsch wakes up from his coma, Sasquatch trains him in the art of assination.

This game is a third-person-tactical-stealth-sniper-shooter. The element of surprise is your greatest weapon. With your training you can take down the enemy in a single hit. But be careful, you only have a Knife & a Bow-N-Arrow, the enemy has Guns, Rockets, and other fun HillBilly Hunter goodies. Basically if you get found out, you're GONNA DIE!!!

RedNeck Assassin has dynamic button controls. Meaning, you're not limited to touch the same exact screen everytime. The gameplay flow has been designed with as much as lack of the "virutal gamepad" as we (BloodShot Games) could do. With the intuitive controls you can focus on the gameplay and NOT "if your hitting the right button or not!!!"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Versus Evil announces Kyn and a Afro Samurai sequel

Kyn are "just" one of the many games that Versus Evil will publish in the near future.

There´s a lot of action going down at the Versus Evil office at the moment. Because they have just announced both a Afro Samurai sequel (developed by Redacted Studios), a mobile version of The Banner Saga (which will be released this summer), and Habitat will come to Steam’s Early Access program on July 8th.

But that´s not all. Nope, because Versus Evil will aslo publish Tangrin studios Viking inspired RPG game "Kyn". And you can read all about it in the press release further down the page. So, have a pleasent read people!

Press release:
"(Austin, TX) June 25th, 2014 -- Indie publisher, Versus Evil, is proud to announce they have added two new titles to their lineup: Kyn and a game based on the Afro Samurai animated series. The team also announced plans to launch Habitat on Steam’s Early Access program on July 8th and that The Banner Saga will be launching on mobile devices this summer. Finally, a vastly improved Dragons and Titans was also on display at their inaugural press event, showcasing the latest game updates, the newly released Act 4 story driven adventure mode, and the latest weapon and dragon releases.

The Afro Samurai sequel is in development at Redacted Studios for next gen consoles and PC. This upcoming third person action adventure includes an original storyline, new playable characters, and improved special moves and combos which firmly establishes the franchise as the undisputed leader in dynamic dismemberment.

Kyn, a witty Viking inspired role-playing, strategy game featuring team based combat, exploration, and deep crafting systems is set in an original and unique fantasy world where magic and the environment work hand in hand to overcome all obstacles. Kyn is in development for PC, Mac and Linux by Tangrin, an independent video game studio based in the Netherlands.

“Working with independent studios is truly rewarding and we couldn’t be happier to add Redacted Studios and Tangrin to a growing list of top indie studios,” said Steve Escalante, general manager of Versus Evil. “Afro Samurai and Kyn are two excellent and promising titles that we are privileged to be publishing. The talent present within these studios is simply amazing and we are really excited to work with them to bring these games to the market.”

More details about the Afro Samurai game will be released over the coming months. To learn more about Kyn please visit: http://www.kyngame.com"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

War of Zodiarcs - A tactical JRPG card game

war of zodiarcs
Will War of Zodiarcs bring something new to the JRPG and card game table?

The very nice madam "Gamerwife" just informed us about Cardboard Utopia´s upcoming tactical JRPG card game "War of Zodiarcs". A game that´s been inspired by games such as Shining Force and Final Fantasy Tactics (to name a few).

And from what i´ve been told. War of Zodiarcs will become a Sqaure Enix collective pitch. It´s also said that War of Zodiarcs are set for a release sometime next year (for PC and console). That sure sounds really impressing and all.

But will War of Zodiarcs deliver? That's A whole nother question. Oh well, time will tell i guess. Anyhow, you will find more information about War of Zodiarcs downbelow!

About War of Zodiarcs: 
"The game is called War of Zodiarcs, and it blends Tactical JRPG, cards, and dice to create an exciting new gaming experience that requires tactical, minute-to-minute planning in every battle.The game features a strong visual concept, a deep story exploring the tumultuous journey to becoming an adult, and a cast of 10 party members all with unique personalities and back stories, War of Zodiarcs is the sort of complex and sophisticated adventure we dreamed of playing as children.


The choice of genres for War of Zodiarcs was inspired by our love of tactical games like Shining Force and Final Fantasy Tactics, games that force you to plan and think about your next move. Cards and dice were added to the mix to imbue the game with the excitement of playing a traditional board game, where you’re filled with anticipation and tension as you prepare to flip the card or throw the dice, and then fist-pump in success when you get the result you want.


In the game you play as Weiss, a young novice on his way to become a knight, so he can join the army ofGilden in their fight against the Toran Empire. Together with a group of like-minded adventurers, he sets out on a quest for glory.

But what at first seemed like a sure victory becomes a desperate struggle against a dark force from beyond time and space; a struggle that will determine the fate of two worlds - and teach Weiss that sometimes the burden of becoming the man everyone expects can be too much to bear...

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Dreamhack Valencia - 7-12 July in Spain

dreamhack valencia
That´s correct. Dreamhack exists in Spain as well.

Some people may not know this. But Dreamhack is not "just" a big Swedish recurring (yearly) event anymore. Nope, because the Dreamhack event has turned up in other parts of the world as well. Like DH Valencia in Spain for example. 

And the Dreamhack Valencia event will kick off on the 7th of July (it ends July 12th). So if you just happen to be in Spain between the 7th and 12th of July. Then you should pay DH Valencia a visit ;) (the ticket price are nailed down to 15 Euro per ticket)

Welcome to DreamHack Valencia 17-12 July:
"In the middle of July it's time for the fourth edition of DreamHack Valencia in sunny Valencia, Spain net to the Mediterranean sea. In Valencia you can experience both LAN, Expo and eSports, including the third stop of DreamHack Open 2014 where some of world's best StarCrat II players will fight to grab a slot in the DreamHack Open Grand Final at DreamHack Winter later this year.

Go to the www.dreamhack.es and read more about the event and get your day pass ticket only for 15 euro."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Medieval Story - A mix of Dink Smallwood and Ultima Pagan

/medieval story
Yep, Medieval Story are a Umeå (Sweden) made production.

It´s very easy to get overlooked at either indiegogo or Kickstarter. Because there´s so many projects that struggles to get your (and my) attention. A perfect example of that would be OddGames "Medieval Story". Which would be a isometric third-person action/adventure game.

At first sight. Medieval Story looks like a mix of Dink Smallwood and Ultima Pagan. But with way better graphics of course. That sounds really neat right? Well, sadly enough things haven't worked out that wellfor Medieval Story on Indiegogo.

Because out of $10,000. Medieval Story have only collected 235 bucks. And there´s just 6 days left on the Indiegogo watch. So it will take one hell of a miracle to fund Medieval Story. We wish OddGames the best of luck though.

About Medieval Story and OddGames: 
"An action adventure game developed in northern Sweden. Venture down dark forests paths and damp caves. Use your wits or fight your way to fame and fortune. OddGames is a one man game studio currently developing a PC game called Medieval Story. I live in Umeå, a town in northern Sweden. There is a Medieval Story working alpha demo which you can try for free. However, to get the project finished I need your support. This will allow me to pay for studio rent, additional development programs and equipment." 

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Anno Haruna - A retro gamer from Japan

anno haruna
Anno Haruna owns more retro games then any one I know.

It´s a small world that we live In. Well, at least sometimes. Cuz earlier today I was just looking for some retro games on the web. And after a while, I found my way to Anno Haruna´s Youtube page.Well, let's just say that I struck gold.

Cuz Anno Haruna just happens to be both a Gamer, and a retro lover. Infact, she owns tons of retro games, video game and manga magazines. Sadly enough, most of her videos are In 100% Japanese. So I couldn't understand that much.

But I still enjoy to watch Anno´s videos though. Cuz you can really see that she enjoys both video games, and the history that surrounds around. So If you like retro games, then Im quite sure that your going to like Anno´s videos as well =)

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Roche Fusion - A top down fast paced arcade shooter

roche fusion
Roche Fusion are a must play for everyone that likes shoot-em-up games.

Way back in the 80s and 90s. Shoot-em-up games pretty much dominated the arcade scene. And it was basically the samething on the home console front as well (Life Force, R-Type, Axelay, Gradius and so on). But it has taken quite a while for the shoot-em-up genre to reach its former glory again (the golden days of the 80s and 90s).

But thanks to the indie scene. More and more epic shmup games get´s to see the day of light. Just take Amulware´s shmup "Roche Fusion" for example (PC and MAC). Roche Fusion are a really great top down arcade kind of shoot-em-up game. 

And guess what? You can download and play the open beta of Roche Fusion right now!

About Roche Fusion:
"Roche Fusion is a fast paced, exploding, over the top shoot-em-up. The player fights ever more aggressive, deadly, and crazy waves of enemies while upgrading their ship with more weapons, shields and other items. Also: explosions."

Main features include (but are not limited to):
- Intuitive and responsive arcade-style controlsfor maximum fun and nostalgia
- Procedurally generated levels, enemies and upgrades for infinite variety and replayability
- Everything from swarms of on shot kills to huge boss battles duh.
- Engaging score system with challenges and unlockablesfor (personal) growth and long term fun
- Crazy, colourful and all around amazing graphical effects because explosions (also for awesome player feedback, fun and a unique look)
- Fitting sound track and sound effects because games without sound are not awesome

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Seven mysteries - A Vietnamese horror game

seven mysteries 
Something tells me that that´s not jam on her hands.

Before I close down our shop for today. I just wanted to tell you guys about a Vietnamese horror game named "Seven mysteries". It made me think of a mix betweet Forbidden Siren, Silent Hill and The Ring (movie). So If your a fan of horror games.

Then you should most definitely download and give Seven mysteries a chance =)

About Seven mysteries:
"The game is about groups of "special" students: The inquisitive, the mysterious, and the insane. Among them, there is one particular student who seems to be very interested in the school's secrets. One by one, the forbidden knowledge unveils before his curiosity. But... 

"When you know something, you will have to exchange something for it..."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Karma: Incarnation 1 - A spiritual adventure game from Russia

Karma are a very "different" adventure/puzzle game indeed.

Russia are starting to become a really big player on the indie scene. Because more and more interesting indie games are being developed in Russia ("Knock knock" for example) as we speak. And today i heard about AuraLab´s adventure/puzzle game "Karma".

And trust me on this. Karma are a very, very different and uniq adventure game. For starter there´s no dialogs (whatsoever) in the game. All the communication in the game are done via characters bubbles (speach bubbles).

But only time will tell if that´s enough to impress Gamers world wide. Because Karma needs to collect $35,000 via Indiegogo within 40 days from now. Or else there will be no release of Karma. So if you like the trailer for Karma, then show it some love on Indiegogo and Steam Greenlight!

Press release:
"24 June 2014 - Moscow, Russia - AuraLab today is thrilled to announce the launch of their IndieGoGo campaign for the surreal and psychedelic game - Karma. Incarnation 1.

Karma. Incarnation 1 is a classical point-and-click adventure jam-packed with original humour and brain- bending puzzles. The game tells the story of a creature named Pip who is incarnated in the form of a cute- yet-brutal worm, living in a truly surrealistic world.

Being naive and not knowing much about this reality, Pip is willing to talk to flowers and stones just as much as he is ready to swallow whole another representative of local fauna.

Get ready for a psychedelic tale of good and evil driven by the laws of Karma.

'We have finished pre-production of Karma and have completed a huge percentage of development already, we've a lot of final conceptual art done and working prototype but we still have an incredible amount of work to do -

animations, programming and testing,' said Andrey Sharapov - CEO of AuraLab, 'Being a small indie studio we would like to stay independent and as such we're not funded by a publisher or investor, so we're looking to crowdfunding to help support the development!'

AuraLab strongly believe in the principles of karma and would like to help make the world a better place. With this belief, the team is confident that good deeds make the world respond in kind..

The team decided that part of the revenue from sales of the game will be donated to the wildlife rescue fund WWF, to help save endangered species and fund research."

About the game:
- No text dialogue whatsoever!
- Alternative ways of progressing through quests: by being good or evil, the player opens additional storylines as they progress!
- The main character changes his appearance depending on the path he's chosen and key characters react on
his looks differently. This too opens alternative story lines that make playing through game again and again fun in different ways
- This opens alternative storylines, thus making playing through the game again and again fun in many ways
Astral vision - Pip, the main character, can see through his inner eye - it's a special ability which
allows him to perceive the spirit world at any moment of the game.
- Within this astral plane he'll find additional creatures and actually hints on how to sucessfully complete
the quests
- Unique and original sound track by Zmeiraduga band.

About AuraLab:
AuraLab is a small indie team of industry professionals in game development, producing, game design, animation and visual arts.

Each member of the team (except the musicians) have previous experience at major game-development studios. We have formed AuraLab to create and release Karma - a true indie adventure which we have all dreamed of

Developers Interview (IGG video) - http://youtu.be/hGw4sGVju4U
Cartoon (Karma 1 series) - video with developers commentary (IGG video) - http://youtu.be/hGw4sGVju4U
Cartoon (Karma 1 series) - http://youtu.be/_lJSPCGTSbE

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

CyberGhost VPN giveaway - 20 keys are at stake!

cyberghost free vpn
If you wanna be 100% secure (and anonymous) on the web. Then CyberGhost should be your first pick!


Yes, it´s time for yet another giveaway. This time it´s not game codes that we're giving away though. Nope, this time it´s 20 Premium Plus for 1 year keys for CyberGhost VPN that´s at stake. And all you have to do is to comment on this post.

Then we will pickout winners at random. The contest will last as long as we got any keys left to spare. So, good luck people! And for those who don´t know what CyberGhost VPN (their services works for PC, MAC, Linux, iOS and Android)  are all about.

Just check out the information and the video further down the page.

About CyberGhost VPN:

Being anonymous
Do you show your ID card, if you go out to buy some milk? Why then should you do so in the Internet, where experts collect your data for purposes, one hardly can even imagine?

- Protect your identity with CyberGhost VPN and surf with a camouflaged IP address anonymously, secured and with a lot more privacy.

- Prevent yourself from being spied on or get your passwords stolen.

- Beat the protocol fanatics: Governments, companies and Internet Service Provider log any detail of your online activities they can get a hold of. With CyberGhost VPN you have a tool to stop them and to re-establish your Internet freedom and privacy.

Being protected
WLANs and hotspots are great, providing you access to the Internet in many public places throughout your town and your country. The downside: All your data traffic is nearly as public as the place you're at. All your transactions, chats and open documents can very easily be spied on and between you and the loss of your personal data is just a simple free little hacker tool, that even a 4 year old can use without getting sweaty.

- Encrypt your connection with CyberGhost VPN: The virtual tunnel, that connects you to our servers, encrypts your data starting right with your PC and keeps eavesdroppers outside.

- Secure your online banking and transactions in Internet cafés: CyberGhost VPN protects your precious data even in Internet cafés. No admin and no virtual guard dog can filter out your personal data or block you from content.

Being unrecognized
It's not just "evil" countries, that block unwanted information from public access or censor "inappropriate" content. Others, even democratic ones, install filters as well, which are capable of keeping content with certain keywords outside their respective national "borders" or censor the accessible parts of "not wanted" websites. And so do schools, universities and companies throughout the world, blocking content at will and all too often without reason – if there ever can exist such a thing as reasonable censorship.

Solution: Log-in to the Internet with an "Outlander"-IP: The very second you log-in to a CyberGhost VPN server located in the USA, Spain or another country, you are identified as a citizen of the respective nation and allowed to watch any content otherwise blocked.

That makes CyberGhost VPN the ideal tool for tourists and business travelers, who need to avoid being cut from their home country, e. g. for watching their favorite video channel or managing their online banking account. This makes CyberGhost VPN also an extra ordinary investigation tool for journalists, civil rights fighters and other activists and whistleblowers. CyberGhost VPN offers new, secure possibilities for information gathering and keeping in contact with sources.

Feeling safe all around
CyberGhost VPN is a great way to secure your Internet connection, along with many other advantages as:

- Automatically protection after connection loss: If your connection gets unexpectedly interrupted while surfing with CyberGhost VPN, your current Internet connection will automatically be shut down completely and none of your recent traffic will be exposed to the outside. Premium connections will furthermore be automatically re-connected.

- Additional Firewall function: CyberGhost VPN also works as a reliable additional Firewall, because, as you are camouflaged in the Internet, you can't be attacked easily. Each VPN server acts like a magic hood, which alone keeps a lot of possible threats at bay. Furthermore each server has its own Firewall, which filters ingoing data traffic and therefore adds even more security, while you surf the Internet anonymously.

- Fasten your seatbelt: Thanks to the built in data compression, surfers can access many Internet websites up to 30 % faster than without CyberGhost VPN – which easily abrogates any delay, that the anonymization process and the additional encryption might create.

Easy to handle
The CyberGhost client for Windows is as easy to install and to handle as the actual download is. Setup and configuration are done automatically and finished in a few minutes – including the creation of a completely anonymous user account.

Other advantages:
- Pay anonymously offline: In some countries, CyberGhost VPN can be obtained using cash in selected stores.
- Anonymous accounts: To open an account you just need an arbitrary user name and a password. No email address needed!
It's the account that counts, not the PC or gadget: Premium subscribers can use their account with any computer or iOS/Android gadget they want, be it at home, on the road, abroad, or wherever.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Tripwire interactive - The Steam summer sale has started!

tripwire interactive bundle
If you buy the Tripwire interactive  bundle. Then you will get a ton of games for 33,59Euro.

Yes, i know. The big Steam summer sale has been alive and kicking for quite sometime now. But here´s the thing. There´s so many games on Steam now days. That it´s pretty hard to pickout the really good ones (if you know what i mean?).

But i´m going to help you with one really good pick at least. Well, if you like FPS games that is. Because right now you can buy all of Tripwire interactive´s games at a very low price via Steam. Just take the uber nice Tripwire interactive bundle for example.

You will get all of Tripwire interactive´s games for 33,59 Euro if you buy that bundle. You better hurry up though. Because the Steam summer sale will end on the 30th of June!

Some of Tripwire interactive´s other games on Steam:

Killing Floor - $9.99 (50% off!)
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad - $4.99 (50% off!)
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 - $4.99 (50% off!)
The Killing Floor Bundle - $24.99 (50% off!)
The Tripwire Bundle - $33.99 (66% off!)
The Ball - $4.99 (50% off!)
Dwarfs! ? - $4.99 (50% off!)

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

The Gaming Ground v2.0 - Release on Monday!

tgg logo
We will open up our new homepage next Monday (TGG v2.0).

For about 2 months i have worked on and off on our new homepage. And now it´s finally time to show TGG v2.0 for the world. Well, to be exact. The site will go live on Monday next week (but you get the point). And this is how things will go down.

The page will be live and everything. But we want to do a smooth transition from thegamingground.com to our new homepage. Because there´s still a ton of work to be done on our new homepage. And that´s where you (our readers and fans) comes into the picture.

We need your help to make our new homepage as good as possible. So we really need your feedback. Because i´m more than aware that not "everything" will work (and look) great at the very start (the mobile version of TGG v2.0 looks really bad for ex. But i´m working on it!).

But that´s pretty much the case with all new homepages. Anyhow, we are looking forward to hear what you guys think about our new homepage =) And if you wonder, we will turn down the lights for gamingground.com by the end of July (the page will be live. But we won´t post any new updates or such on it).

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Dragon fin soup - A brief news update

dragon fin soup ps4
Dragon fin soup for the PS4. 

It´s been quite a while since i heard anything from the Dragon Fin Soup team (Grim Bros). But that´s only because they been working really hard with their game. Grim Bros has also been rather busy with their pr tour for Dragon Fin Soup.

They did for example visit the Wizard World (Comic-Con in Philly) event in Philadelphia just recently. Where Grim Bros showed their Dragon fin soup alpha trailer live on site. Sure, it´s a old trailer. But the newsletter included some new and intressting facts about Dragon Fin Soup.

Such as a picture of the PS4 version of Dragon Fin Soup, plus some additional details and developer updates. And i took the liberty to copy and paste the news letter into this blog post. So, enjoy people ;)

"Hey Everyone -

Ash has been pretty busy lately running around getting the word out about our love child Dragon Fin Soup. Here are a few pics of him presenting our Dragon Fin Soup Alpha Trailer to audiences at Wizard World in Philadelphia…

Later on he walked the show floor and talked 1-on-1 with folks to tell them a bit about who we are and our dream. You can check out some cool pics from the convention to our FB page HERE!

Just a heads up that Grimm will be at the upcoming Too Many Games June 27th - 29th and the Video Gamers United August 16th - 17th.
Crowdfunding Update

Grand Total raised to date: $125,654 (Including Adjustments & Add-ons)
Dev Update

Randis and the team have been working very hard these past few weeks to get content into the game so that we can begin early BETA testing with small select groups. We still don’t have a firm date of when we will start to roll out our closed BETA, but we’ll keep everyone in the loop for sure on when we start and how you can possibly participate. Your feedback is very important to us and we are going to do our best :)

Here is a sneak peek of Dragon Fin Soup running on PS4!

We wanted to share a bit of our progress on PS4. Dragon Fin Soup is looking fantastic running on an HD TV and is fun to play with the game pad.

Thats it for now! Take care everyone and feel free as always to drop us a line on the forums http://grimm-bros.com/forum/

- Randis & Ash"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Iji - Part 8 - Search and destroy

iji part 8
Iji stops for no one.

When you got all the odds in the world against you. Then it would seem to be a pretty stupid move to be sent out on a "search and destroy" mission. But Iji ain´t you´re average kind of girl/person. 

She´s a one man (women) army. With her fists full of steel. And she ain´t gonna let anyone (or anything) stop her from saving earth and her brother Dan. So let´s find out how well Iji (meaning "me") will handle a whole army of blood thirsty aliens shall we?

So, search and fu**ing destroy! As mr Iggy Pop would have said ;)

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Roccat - Kone pure military Gaming mouse and mousepad

roccat the kone
Pretty cool huh?

If you are dead serious about Gaming (espacialy if you compete in the E-sport leagues). Then you know more than well that a good (bad) mouse can be the difference between winning and losing. So i´m very happy to inform you guys about Roccat´s Gaming mouse and mousepad "The Kone pure military Gaming".

Not only does the mouse and mousepad look great. They work really great as well. And you will find both prices and the press release below. So, game on people!

ROCCAT™ Kone Pure Military Edition – MSRP: 69,99 Euro

ROCCAT™ Sense Military Edition – MSRP: 19,99 Euro

Press release:
"Stockholm, 23 June 2014 – ROCCAT introduces the latest in our Kone series, the Kone Pure Military gaming mouse. The Kone Pure Military presents a series of themed visual styles for players to select, from Camo Charge and Naval Storm, to the Desert Strike variant, with all of the excellent features gamers would expect in a Kone mouse. It comes standard with our patented Easy-Shift[+] technology, highly customizable illumination via LED lights with brilliant 16.8 million discrete colors, in a sleek, compact package that’s smaller than the instant classic Kone XTD, but with all of the durability and ergonomic function you’d expect from a Kone.

Outside of the striking new visual flare, is the feature highlight of the Kone Pure Military; its 5000 dpi Pro-Optic (R4), one of the most high-powered optical sensor available. State-of-the-art, lag-free, ultra-precise, with an Adjustable Control Unit (ADCU) for manually configurable lift control, the Kone Pure Military lives up to its name, giving gamers military precision, ROCCAT quality, and the very best gaming experience.

Also new to the ROCCAT roster is the Sense Military Mousepad. Available in the same color schemes as the Kone Pure Military, the Sense Military is an excellent companion to any ROCCAT gaming mouse, with our non-slip backing, and more than enough room for even the most active mover and shaker with a mouse in hand, the ROCCAT Sense Military adds yet another option to an already stellar list of ROCCAT products.

René Korte, CEO and founder of ROCCAT says, “The positive feedback we received with the introduction of the Kone Pure Color edition in 2013 encouraged us to come up with a second limited version of the Kone Pure. Many popular games played with ROCCAT products have a military theme, and we thought it fitting that we extend this to the Kone Pure Military mouse and Sense Military mousepad. We believe these products are a perfect complement to your combat gaming experience.

Both the Kone Pure Military mouse and Sense Military gaming mousepad are available now.

ROCCAT™ Kone Pure Military Edition – MSRP: 69,99 Euro

ROCCAT™ Sense Military Edition – MSRP: 19,99 Euro"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

VID Agents - Kickstarter promo 1

vid agents
So, you like to play video games huh? Well, we can´t allow what!

It´s time for a brand new video of VID Agents. Well, okay. It´s a "Kickstarter promo" video. But at least it´s a good start. And you get a pretty good picture what VID Agents are all about. And what Philip Bache tries to achieve with the series as well..

So if you enjoy the promo video. Then show VID Agents some love on Kickstarter ;) Because it won´t happen without your help and support. And at this very moment VID Agents needs another $26,000 to be fully funded via Kickstarter.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Pixel cup soccer - A charming world cup game for mobile

pixel cup soccer 
Will you (your team) win the world cup?

Sweden may not be playing in the World cup this time. But i´m enjoying it anyway. Mainly because i can cheer for Germany (i have roots in Germany). And so far, Germany are doing really well. But i think that it´s going to be a really hard play-off final in this world cup.

Imo, Holland, Argentina, Brazil, Germany and Colombia are the deadliest teams so far. But one should not count out France or Mexico. Because they can surprise everyone when you least expects it. Anyhow, in Batovi Games mobile pixel soccer game "Pixel cup soccer" (for iOS and Android. And it´s yours for $1,99).

You get the chance to lead your national team to the world cup final. Which of course are easier said than done. Because you have to face the best players in the world on your pursuit for the world cup trophy So, best of luck people!

Pixel Cup Soccer:
"Pixel Cup Soccer is a retro-style arcade soccer game with simple controls, 16 national teams to play, friendly matches, competitive cup mode, a local player-versus-player matches on the same device, and more to come in future updates."

- Simplified controls - shoot, pass and run your way to victory
- Pick-up and play with clean and challenging gameplay.
- Retro-style pixel art game resembling classic 8-bit games, evoking nostalgia.
- Play as one of 32 national teams -Argentina, Brazil, Cameroon, England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Uruguay or USA.
- Choose one of these teams and lead them to the Pixel Cup Championship.
- Local player-versus-player mode on the same iPad.
- Customize your match time and speed.
- Face off in different weather conditions and stadiums.
- Compete with your friends for a high score in the leaderboard (with Facebook posts).
- Share your replays with Everyplay.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Chasing Aurora - A really neat 2D aerial action game for Wii U

chasing aurora  
Chasing Aurora are out now for Wii U.

Now that Mario Kart 8 has saved the Wii U from it´s own downfall. More and more Gamers and indie developers are starting to believe in the Wii U again. And not only is that really important for Nintendo. It´s also really important for Wii U to have a strong third party (indie titles, mainly) lineup.

And a really good example of such a game would be Broken Rules 2D aerial action game "Chasing Aurora". Because it really takes good advantage of the Wii U´s uniq controller system. So if you own a Wii U, and like this kind of games.

Then you should give Chasing Aurora a go asap!

About Chasing Aurora:
"Chasing Aurora is the first game in a series of 2D aerial action games about the dream of flight. Ride the wind from peak to peak. Fight for Aurora's Gem in the hostile environment of the Alps. Fly your bird to victory in this multiplayer action game. Chasing Aurora is available for Wii U right now."

- Three different multiplayer game modes based on classic children's games.
- A single player mode that is a race against the clock.
- Unique physics-based flight inspired by the age-old dream of human aviation.
- A fresh and mysterious world to explore.
- Outstanding 2D vector- and pixel-based art style right in the middle between origami and pop-up book.
- Original sound track composed by and performed on Alpine instruments by Christof Dienz.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Ruins - Hunt rabbits and enjoy the surrealistic art

The graphics are really, really awesome!

I just played Cardboardcomputers point and click game "Ruins" (I finished the game In about an hour), but still my jaw are all the way down on the floor. Because, what a heck did I just play? Well, I played one hell of a cool (but short) game.

With a lot of heart and powerful content. So I still try to understand what I just experienced, and analyse It. Cuz, all the graphics In Ruins are surrealistic (like In a fever dream). Secondly of all, there Is a piano that plays music In the background (Chopin).

And It really feels like your living In a art piece In Ruins. A art piece that´s alive. The main goal with Ruins are however, to catch all the fluffy rabbits that you see (and build up your highscore). Keep In mind though, Ruins are a very short game.

You will finish It In about 30-60 minutes. But In return, you will get memories for life. So download and play Ruins asap, you won´t regret It!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Power mitt oven glove - Now you're cooking with real power!

/power mitt-oven-glove
The face of a happy power mitt oven glove user.
The most of us have known for years that Nintendos Power Glove suck balls. That´s nothing new under the sun. Me, i found out about that back in the 90s. And i haven't used the Power Glove ever since then. But i might actually start to use the Power Glove again.

But not in the kind of way that you might think. Nope, cuz i´m talking about using the Power Glove as a mitt oven glove. Just checkout the video down below, and you will get what i mean xD

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Invertium - A dark sci-fi platformer

Invertium are a TBA title for PC, MAC and Linux.

I just tried Lunar Kingdom´s sci-fi/platformer "Invertium" (you can download and play the beta for Windows). And it´s pretty darn good imo. I really like the physics and gravity parts (watch the trailer and you will understand what i mean by that).

That´s really great indeed. But sadly enough, Invertium are a TBA title at the moment. So there´s no release date for the game at this time. But i´m quite sure that Lunar Kingdom will keep us informed about the process of Invertium.

So be sure to visit our homepage on a daily basis ;)

About Invertium:
"Invertium is a dark sci-fi platformer with physics-based mechanics, that immerses you in a world of challenging gravity, motion and time puzzles. Unless other games of this kind, Invertium is not only based on ability and speed of reaction, but on the capacity to analyze the situations and figure out the best way to resolve them. It combines a modern mechanics design with a concept of challenge and difficulty from classic arcade games."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Insanity's Blade - The ultimate old school trip to hell!

insanitys blade
Hell awaits! Well, it literally awaits you in Insanity's Blade

As all of you know by now (at least those who have read most of my articles). I´m a huge fan of games such as Ninja Gaiden, Shinobi and animes such as Ninja Scroll and Berserk. Because i really like the setting with ninjas and intense sword fights.

Well, Causal Bit games action/RPG/platformer "Insanity's Blade" (for PC, MAC and Linux) are all about intense (and violent) sword fights. In fact, it´s said to be "the ultimate old school trip to hell!". So i bet that Insanity's Blade will be just as hard as Ninja Gaiden (the difficulty level).

I guess that we have to wait and see if that´s true or not. And oh, if you like the Insanity's Blade trailer. Then be please don´t forget to vote for the game on Steam Greenlight =)

About Insanity's Blade:
"Take a father’s journey to hell in order to save the souls of his wife and child. Take the ultimate old school trip to hell!! The Chronicles of Thurstan is the first in a series of games based around the journey of a sword possessed by a father's powerful grief and hatred. This first game is the tale of the swords creation."

- A blend of action, platforming and RPG elements with a classic retro arcade style
- Battle through over 16 stages filled with unique enemies and environments and side quests
- Scale buildings and caves with Thurstan’s wall climbing and jumping ablilites
- Play a co-op game with your friends! The second player will play as the stories supporting character Finn for most of the game.
- Additional game modes such as Arena Mode and Surf Mode to extend the the game after the story has ended

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Dex - A cyberpunk 2D action adventure RPG game

dex cyberpunk rpg
Dex are set for a release in June (for PC, MAC, Linux, Wii U and OUYA).

I am very glad to inform you all that Dreadlocks studios will release their cyberpunk 2D RPG game "Dex", very, very soon. To be exact, they plan to release Dex by the end of this month. And we can thank Kickstarter and all the Dex backers for that.

Because Dex collected over £30,000 by the end of December last year. And if you ask me. That really proves that the Gamer community are really hungry for more cyberpunk games. And from what i´ve seen so far from Dex.

Dex looks and feels like adventure version of Shadowrun. So yeah, i´m going to give it a go asap!

About Dex:
"Explore the dark alleys of Harbor Prime and a host of diverse locations in both physical reality and the wild reaches of cyberspace. Discover the truth behind an enigmatic AI striving to reach the Singularity, a theoretical “event horizon” in which artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence and all bets about the future will be off. How will you play your part in the story?"

-Explore hand-drawn locations of a futuristic city Harbor Prime.
- Find your own path through enemies and obstacles.
- Participate in fully voice-acted interactive dialogues.
- Evolve and improve the character, unlock new skills and abilities.
- Immerse yourself in the cyberspace and steal corporate data.
- Experience innovative approach to traditional RPG features.
- Follow the storyline or take mercenary missions for cash!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Secrets of Raetikon - 25% price cut on Steam!

secrets of raetikon
If you like action/adventure games. Then you´re going to love Secrets of Raetikon!
I know, there´s a ton of price-cuts on Steam at the moment. Because the big summer sale has just started. But there´s some titles that really stand out from the masses. And that would be Broken Rules action/adventure game "Secrets of Raetikon" (for PC, MAC and Linux).

Because Secrets of Raetikon will give you a very uniq and "different" gameplay experience (the good kind). And right now you can buy the game via Steam for 7,49 Euro. Hurry up though, because that deal ends on the 30th of June!
About Secrets of Raetikon:
"You, a mysterious winged being, find yourself alone in the mountains of the Alps. Discover strange contraptions, wild animals and the mysteries of an ancient culture. Uncover the Secrets of Rætikon. Secrets of Rætikon is an atmospheric, open-world 2D game in which you fly like a bird and explore an uncharted world."

- Single player campaign
- A living, breathing world where everything is alive and physical
- An emergent ecosystem influenced by your actions
- An epic story told in Raetic runes
- Huge animal kings and ancient contraptions
- Play creatively and solve puzzles the way you want
- Full game editable via the built-in level editor

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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