Iji - Part 6 - The return of the Komato assassin
Yep, i´m finally back in Iji again. It´s beem quite sometime since i recorded a new video for Iji. But i had this great urge to play the game again. So here i am. And guess what? the Komato assassin are back as well. I guess his back for another round of "kick ass" on his behalf.
And once again, he uses cheap tricks to win. But that won´t be enough to stop me ;) Anyhow, please enjoy the video!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
Aliens Infestation - Part 10 - The smart gun blues
The smart gun takes care of those pesky Aliens in no time!
You can´t make a Aliens game and not include the smart gun. Because that would be like having a hamburger without the burger. Well, you get my point. And for the first time ever. I had the great pleasure to try out the smart gun in Aliens Infestation.
It´s a powerful weapon, sure. But it takes sometime to get used to it. Mainly because of it´s 1-2sek delay when you push the fire button. So basically you have to do the good ol´ Quake 2 trick (the chaingun).
Which would be to keep the gun in motion without fireing any shoots (one single push on the fire button, over and over again). Because if you don´t, then you will get runned over by the Aliens in the blink of an eye.
But once you get used to the smart gun. Then you can take care of pretty much anything in the game (with no fuss). Anyhow, please enjoy part 10 of Aliens Infestation!
Nekro - Outcast part 8 - The high priest of Katheros

Something wicked this way comes.
I´m not known for being lucky. But it´s the second time that i have had A LOT of luck in Nekro. Because just when i thought that i would die by the hand of death. I was saved by lady luck.
And that happen quite a few times during the "High priest of Katheros" stage (stage #8). The priest of Katheros himself, put up with one hell of a fight as well. At first, i thought that i had encountered some kind of bug.
Because normally you are supposed to seea health bar during the boss fights.Oh well, i won in the end. And it seems like stage #8 was (are) the very last stage of the Nekro Beta. So it will take sometime before i can record new videos of Nekro.
Anyhow, please enjoy the video people!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
Nekro - Outcast part 7 - The toxic wasteland
You're not afraid of a"little" toxic now are you?
Every video game needs a toxic wasteland stage. Ain´t i right about that? Anyhow. At stage 7 i faced a lot of "hard to kill" enemies.And the wasteland setting sure fitted my thoughts about the whole thing.
Because i nearly died 3 (or 4 times) while recording this video. At one point i had like, 1 HP (or something like that). And it was pure luck that i didn´t die at the very end. Oh well, at least i achived a total victory against all odds.
So, please enjoy the video =)
Aliens Infestation - Part 9 - The return of the Alien queen

Guess who´s back?
Surprise, surprise. The Alien queen didn't die. And i knew it as soon as i saw the powerloader in the hangar. Because if you have watched the Aliens movie (Alien 2).Then you kn owmore than well what happens next. Yes, that´s right. Powerloader Vs the Alien queen. Round 1, fight!
But that´s just one part of the fight. The hardest part comes after the powerloader fight. Because you are supposed to send her out through the space airlocks. Which of course are easier said than done.
Anyhow, please enjoy the video =)

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
Monochroma - Part 3 - It's that big bald bastard again!
There´s this big bald dude (read "bastard" in Monochroma that got a huge hate towards me (and you). It seems like his the "nemesis" of Monochroma, because the bastard just keeps on coming back again, and again.
But i´m not going to let baldy ruin my day. So welcome to part III of Monochroma!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground