
Wildstar - EP2 - Way to go cupcake

wildstar part 2
Don´t we all just LOVE cupcakes?

Sadly enough. This will be my very last Wildstar video. At least for now. Because i recorded all my videos while the game still was a beta (F2P).Now you have to pay to play Wildstar.

I have no problem with that. But in my case. I´m already playing TES Online. So, as you might figure.It would be kind of overkill to play both Wildstar and TES Online. But i might start playing Wildstar sometime in the future.

Anyhow, please enjoy part II of my adventures in Wildstar =)

/Jonas E
The Gaming Ground

1,000 subscribers! - Thank you so much!

1k subs
It´s party time!

Yes, we made it! Because now we got 1,000 subscribers on youtube (+1050 actually). It toke sometime, but we reached our goal =)So thank you so much for all the love and support people!

We will now start the long and hard road to 10K subs on Youtube (we hope to reach that goal before this year is over).
But i think we can make it with your help (our viewers and dear fans).

So let´s make that journey together =) Now, feel free to comment and leave feedback on this subject. 
Thanks in advance!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Wildstar - EP1 - Brokeback mountain

wildstar ep1
Keep calm and just...ehrm, hug each other?

I finally decided to give Carbine Studios Mmorpg game "Wildstar" a chance today. And i´m really glad that i did. Because it´s a really, really good and entertaining game.But i do of course realize that Wildstar ain´t everybodys cup of tea.

I´m quite sure that not everyone will love the cartoon graphics for example. And if you don´t. Then you're not going to enjoy Wildstar at all. Me, i´m cool with it. And let´s just say that i much rather play Wildstar, than say Wow.

I have to make up my mind if i shall buy the full game or not though. Because i won´t have time with both TES Online and Wildstar.

Oh well. Please enjoy my very first Wildstar video people =)

/Jonas E
The Gaming Ground

Diablo 2 Median XL - Druid part 22 - The cursed jungle

d2 median xl part 22
Ehrm...There´s nothing to see here. So, move along!

Way back in time there was this game called "Jungle Strike". Well, that game ain´t got a shit on D2 Median XL when it comes to fu**ing evil jungles. I´m not kidding.

The whole jungle area are cursed to hell. Even the little frogs are deadly to the max (in large groups you stand no chance in hell to win).
So basicly, your best option to survive.

Would be guerilla warfare (hit and run). Especially due the fact that i´m playing as the druid (which are no tank class).
But at least i'm advancing forward. Yard by yard, corpse by corpse. 

So welcome to part 22 of my adventures as the druid in D2 Median XL!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Brutal Doom v19 - Doom 2 - Part 21 - Fallout 1 and 2

brutal doom v19 doom-2 part 21 
Fallout 2 are still THE king of ALL RPG games imo.

It feels kind of funny that it has taken me over 16 years to do a video about Fallout 1 and 2 xD But better late than never, right? ;) Anyhow. If you haven't heard about Fallout 1 & 2 by now.

Then you have missed out big time. And let me tell you why. Me, i spent most of my freetime during High School and collage playing Fallout 2. 
Hell, even though i have finished Fallout 2 like, 20 times since 1998. I still love the game to death. 

So, please enjoy part 21 of my Brutal Doom v19 (Doom 2) series =)

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Shadowrun Returns - Part 5 - Street justice

shadowrun returns part 5
I am the law!

It´s been way to long since i played Shadowrun Returns the last time. So i decided to sit down and record some new gameplay videos for you boys and girls =) And this time i´m helping people out on the street.

Because the public suffers from street gangs, thugs and so on. So i thought that it would be a good idea to bring som street justice to town.
Cuz let´s face it. In the world of Shadowrun, that´s THE only real working justice system there is. 

So, welcome to part 5 of my Shadowrun Returns adventures people ;)

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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