
Microsoft drops the Xbox One price in UKcomment_here

xbox one
Will the price drop help Xbox One to sell more units in the UK?

Microsoft has officially dropped the Xbox One price to the low value of £329.99. This bundle doesn't include a Kinect sensor or any games. Having said that, retailers are starting to match the price, with a White Xbox One and Sunset Overdrive bundle listed on Amazon for £329.

This doesn't come off as a very big surprise as Microsoft has fallen very far back in the flanks as far as the console war is concerned with Sony and the Playstation 4. They've even dropped to the point that they HAD to release the Xbox One without the kinect to In order to move product.

With their debut in China having been pushed back to nearly 2015, it's unknown what the software developer is going to do to catch up-- and do to steak the lead away from Sony. If they're counting on Halo 5 and the Halo Master chief coll. To put up numbers,  they may be waiting a while.

Are you excited about the UK price drop?  If so give us details in the comments! 

tgg author avatar kenay peterson
/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground
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