
Guns Gore and Cannoli - The Godfather Vs The living deadcomment_here

guns gore and cannoli
Gangsters, zombies, Cannoli. Crazy Monkey Studios Guns Gore and Cannoli got all that and more!

I bet that you never thought that you would see something quite like Crazy Monkey Studios 2D side-scrolling action game "Guns Gore and Cannoli". At least i didn't. Because it´s not every day that you get to see a mix  of The Godfater, Night of the Living Dead  and Metal Slug.

That´s a nice combo indeed. But will it be enough to impress the big crowd? Because Guns Gore and Cannoli needs to collect $30,000 via Kickstarter to happen. Oh well, in 26 days from now we will know for sure if GGC made it or not.

About Guns Gore and Cannoli: 
GGC is an over-the-top, comical, and fast-paced action game with hand drawn 2D HD graphics and set in the Roaring Twenties.
Imagine The Godfather playing Metal Slug on the Night of the Living Dead. GGC is an over-the-top, comical, and fast-paced action game with hand drawn graphics and set in the Roaring Twenties.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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