
Epic Games talks about the new Unreal Tournament gamecomment_here

unreal tournament
Yep, the new UT game will use Unreal Engine 4.

Finally there´s some information and videos about Epic Games new Unreal Tournament game. And so far i´m very, very excited and hypéd about the UT 2014 edition. And i´m going to tell you why.

1. The game will be ALL free-to-play
2. UT 2014 uses the Unreal Engine 4
3. There will be NO microtransactions whatsoever
4. The UT community will be a part of the development process from the very start
5. The game will be released to both PC, MAC and Linux
6. Unreal Engine 4 subscribers can download and test UT 2014 right now
7. UT 2014 will be a game for (and by) the fans

So i´m quite sure that UT 2014 will become THE best UT game to date. There´s no release date for the game yet though. But i bet that Epic Games will inform us about that soon enough.

"Development of Unreal Tournament for PC, Mac and Linux has begun, in the open, between Epic, Unreal Engine 4 developers, modders and the community. The game will be totally free. Meet a few of the folks at Epic who are kicking off the collaboration!"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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