
Maia - Dungeon Keeper ute i rymdencomment_here

Varför har jag en känsla utav att personen på bilden kommer att råka ut för något hemskt inom kort?

Simon Roth förtjänade verkligen all framgång (Simon fick in 140,000 pund) som han och sitt spel "Maia" fick på Kickstarter i slutet utav förra året. För jag gillar verkligen hans mix utav Dwarf Fortress, Sci-Fi och Dungeon Keeper.

Samt så fick jag även en hel del Alien vibbar utav Maia trailern. Så jag förstår helt klart att det är väldigt många människor som väntar ivrigt på att få spela Maia asap. Det finns dock dessvärre inget spikat releasedatum för Maia i dagsläget.

Så vi får snällt vänta tills att Simon avslöjar ett releasedatum för Maia helt enkelt.

"In 2113 the human race began its first extra solar colonisation program. One of the targets of this endeavour was Maia.

Maia, sitting a mere twelve light years away in the Tau Ceti system, was a world in flux. Due to its home in a dense debris field, the planet had been subject to constant meteor impacts on its surface. The energy released into the planet's crust distorted the magnetosphere, leading to frequent storms of dangerous ultraviolet and X-ray radiation that scour the surface of all but the hardiest of life.

The colonization process had commenced almost twenty years earlier. Barrages of satellites equipped with powerful solid state lasers were placed in geosynchronous orbit around the planet. Their mission to slow and deflect major meteoric threats. The dense volcanic atmosphere was then seeded with sulfur, in an effort to calm and cool it. After a brief fourteen years of orbital terraforming, earth's political elites deemed the planet safe for human settlement, despite little being known about the surface.

After an outcry from the scientific community, a brief study was commissioned and the planets surface was found to be: "Mostly harmless". Mostly."

- Up to 2km x 2km x 2km of procedural world
- Complex colonist AI
- Dark humour
- A unique aesthetic
- Water and Lava simulation
- A dark ambient soundtrack
- Cellular Atmosphere
- A simple minimalist UI
- Inspired by 1970s hard sci-fi
- Intricate defense systems
- Bi-polar androids
- First person mode
- Open data for modders.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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