
Tasha - The cosplay queen from South Koreacomment_here

tasha queen of blades
Miss Tasha as Queen of blades (Sarah Kerrigan).

About 1 year ago. I made a video about cosplay babes ("Top 100 Cosplay Babes"), and, well. A lot of things have changed since then. Let´s just say that I have gotten to know quite a few women that works as professional cosplayers.

And I have to say that my nr 1 favorite cosplayer to date, are miss Tasha (Team Spiral Cats) from South Korea. Cuz not only are she talented as hell and beautiful (and super fit!). Tasha also just happens to cosplay a lot of my video game characters as well.

Just take her Starcraft Queen of blades (Sarah Kerrigan) cosplay for example. That´s one of the most high detailed and cool cosplays, that I have ever seen. So If you like cosplay, and wanna se more pictures of Tasha.

Then just visit worldcosplay, or Spiral Cats homepage!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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