
We want Half-Life 3 - Operation make Half-Life 3 happen!comment_here

we want half life 3
I wonder if Gaben (and Valve) would even care about HL3 ads such as this one?

I have honestly lost the count over the amount of Half-Life 3 articles that we have written over the years. Simply because there´s quite a lot of them. And as we all know, Valve has hinted (co** teased) the Half-Life fans serval times over the years.

And as i have stated many times before. The last part in the Half-Life saga was HL2 EP2 (released October 10th, 2007). A episode that left us with a cliffhanger, a cliffhanger that we have been stuck with for over 7 years now. There was however, a EP3 in the making for HL2. But that episode never saw the day of light...

So when i heard about the Half-Life 3 crowdfunding campaign at indiego (which aims to raise awareness about Half-Life 3, and to make Valve understand that the HL fans really wants Half-Life 3 asap), i was very, very sceptical about its intentions.

Mainly because of 3 reasons:
1. Valve (and Gaben) probarly won´t give a fly fu** about this sort of thing (the fans has been whining for over 7 years now...)
2. $150,000 is a lot of cash for a project of this kind

And 3. Even IF Gaben and Valve notice any of these "We want Half-Life 3" ads. They will no rush the development of Half-Life 3. Because it´s a "When it´s done" title.

Still, i really admire the passion and the dedication of the "We want Half-Life 3" project. Because deep inside, that´s what we all feel about Half-Life 3. But at this time, i honestly don´t know if the We want HL3 project will do more harm than good? Or if it´s just a waste of time and money?

About We want Half-Life 3:

Wait... so, what are you guys doing?

We're here to show Valve that the Half-Life community is strong, united and when bound together, will prove how badly we want need Half-Life 3. Our goal with all of this? To get Valve to finish the game we've dreamed about for all these years.

Okay, and how exactly are you going to do that?

It’s taken nearly the amount of brainpower that was in Black Mesa, but we have devised a simple, yet diabolical plan. Our mission is to enable Half-Life fans to contribute towards an advertising campaign aimed at reaching every single employee at Valve.

No one has created a campaign like this before and we are confident it will be something Valve can’t miss. It might be crazy. It might not be cheap. But it will work. We won’t be satisfied until we execute every goal we’ve listed. The more money we raise, the more we can surround Valve with our message.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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