
Mike Tyson Mysteries - The adult version of Scooby Doocomment_here

mike tyson mysteries
When Iron Mike goes Scooby Doo. Then you know that it is dead serious!

It´s been a while since i heard (or saw) anything about Mike Tyson. In fact, the last time i even saw him on TV was when i watched "The Hangover Part II" (Mike made my ears bleed at the end of that movie). But then i found out about the upcoming adult cartoon-show "Mike Tyson Mysteries".

And that´s some crazy shit right there. It´s like a mix of Scooby Doo, Mike Tysons crazy life and the bizarre humor from "Drawn Together". So who's the masterminds behind Mike Tyson Mysteries series then? Well, besides Mike Tyson, we got the writer Hugh Davidson (Robot Chicken), and Ethan Spaulding (Avatar: The Last Airbender, Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox).

That's impressive lineup indeed. But will it be enough to impress the critics and a wide audience? That remains to be seen.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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