
Commodore Amiga - A visual commpendiumcomment_here

commodore amiga a visual commpendium
Yet another great book by Bitmap Books.
The awesome folks at Bitmap Books have started a new Kickstarter campaign for yet another great video game book. This time it´s a Commodore Amiga book. And i can tell you this much. lt´s not your "average" kind of Amiga book.

It´s THE Amiga book of Amiga books. A real beast, so to speak. So i was not surprised to hear that the book has already reached it´s Kickstarter goal of £25,000. In fact, so far the Commodore Amiga book has collected over £57,000!

And there´s still 23 days left on the campaign. So i think it´s safe to say that people still love and care about the Amiga. And who knows how much more cool stuff the Bitmap Books team will add to their Amiga book campaign?

About Commodore Amiga - A visual Commpendium:
Welcome to my Kickstarter campaign to design and produce a book all about the Commodore Amiga. Unlike other books, Commodore Amiga: a visual Commpendium will focus on the visual side of the computer; from in-game pixel art to game maps to box artwork, the book will be crammed full of beautiful high-resolution, full-colour imagery.

My years of owning an Amiga were some of the fondest gaming memories I have: from the endless hours sunk into Monkey Island and Premier Manager to running home at school lunchtime to boot up X-Copy, the Commodore Amiga played a huge part in my life, and still does to this day. The chance to design this book is hugely exciting for me.
This will be the second book from publisher Bitmap Books which specialises in high-end computer game publications. Our first book, Commodore 64: a visual Commpendium was released earlier this year to huge critical acclaim. This is very much a follow up the C64 book in the Commpendium series of books.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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