
NoconKid interview - Shenmue HD ambitioncomment_here

noconkid interview shenmue
Shenmue needs to happen asap!

Team Yu and the Save Shenmue campaign desreves tons of love and respect for all the work that they have done for the cause of making Shenmue 3, and Shenmue HD happen. No doubt about that. In a way, they have become the voice of the Shenmue community worldwide.

And it seems like both SEGA and Mr Yu Suzuki has starten to listen (and pay attention) to what the "Save Shenmue" movement has to say. And rightfully so, because there´s a huge demand for a HD remake of Shenmue, and a Shenmue III (Kickstarter, Indiegogo anyone?). 

And speaking of which. Don´t miss out on awesome "Shenmue HD ambition" interview with NoconKid. Because it´s a really good interview if you want to know more about the super ambitious Shenmue HD project.


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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