
Big Rigs Over the Road Racing - Angry Video Game Nerdcomment_here

avgn big rigs 
AVGN better wash his hands afterwards. Cuz his holding a pile of shit in his left hand.

Deep down inside, i knew that this would happen sooner or later. I´am of course talking about having AVGN play (and review) Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. Cuz we all know that AVGN just loves to play all those crappy games (no matter the format).

And Big Rigs just happens to be one of THE worst video games ever created to date. Me, i still don´t understand how the game got released as a retail product. More so, how the hell could you create such as fu**ing bad game back in 2003?

Seriously, Big Rigs has like, Playstation 1 graphics ffs...Oh well, at least it was entertaining to watch AVGN torture himself with Big Rigs xD

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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