
Wonder Boy III - The Dragon's Trapcomment_here

master system wonderboy 3
Imo, Wonderboy III are the very best Wonderboy title to date.

Wonder Boy 1 and  2 was (imo) no bad games. But It was Wonderboy III that made me a fan of the series. Wonder Boy III was released way back In 1989 to SEGA´s Master System console, and It was a sidescroller/adventure/hack n slash/RPG game (one of the very best of It´s kind).

The game was nothing like Wonder Boy 1 and 2, though. For example, you (the player) could transform yourself into a handfull of different animals (you do however start off as a human. Which then gets transformed into a dinosaur). 

Another thing that makes Wonder Boy III different from the previous Wonderboy games. Are the fact that the game doesn't have a game clock. Because in Wonder Boy 2 you died if the clock ticked down to zero. But i really hated that feature. So i´m just glad that Wonder Boy III doesn't have a in game clock at all.

I should also mention that the game are very addicting. Because there´s plenty of items and money to collect. There's also quite a lot of secrets to be found. You can also upgrade your inventory. New weapons, armors, shields, spells and so on.

But trust me, you will need It! Because the final boss are hard as hell (at least, that´s how I remember It). Oh, i almost forgot! There´s one more thing that I really love about Wonder Boy III. And that´s the soundtrack for the game.

Because it´s bloody brilliant imo. And In case If you wonder how well Wonder Boy III works In the year 2014. Well, personally I think the game are just as good now, as It was back then (almost 26 years ago).

So If you ever get the chance to play Wonder Boy III, just go for It!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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