
Aliens Colonial Marines - Känn din fiendecomment_here

aliens colonial marines
Förhoppningsvis så kommer ACM bli bra mycket bättre än den nyaste AVP titeln i alla fall.
Det kommer nog att bli svettigt värre att överleva i Gearbox Softwares Aliens Colonial Marines. För aldrig tidigare har det funnits så många olika sorters Aliens i en Alien speltitel. Min gissning är väl att Gearbox glimtat lite på Valves L4D.

För i de tidigare AVP titlarna t.ex. Så fanns det ju ett väldigt begränsat utbud på olika fiende sorter. Så man behövde oftast bara köra på en enda taktik. Men nu har Gearbox verkligen rört runt i grytan. Då de lagt till flera olika sorters Aliens, och alla har sina egna unika egenskaper, svagheter och styrkor.

Det är helt klart något som man bör lägga på minnet. Eftersom det ökar ens chans att överleva. Och det känns ju väldigt aktuellt med tanke på att ACM har release om bara ett par veckor.

Och de olika Alien klasserna är följande (infon kommer från avp.wikia.com):

The Warrior
"(or Hunter, Soldier) is one of the primary assault castes of the Xenomorphs. It is fast, reasonably tough, and a savage combatant. Even in death the Warrior is dangerous, bursting apart when killed and drenching nearby enemies in acid. These types of Warriors are created by impregnating humans (though doing so could also produce a Drone)."

The Drone,
"Lurker, Scout, Stalker or Worker is a form of the Xenomorph. It is a loyal servant for the Queen. It makes hives and collects bodies for impregnation. Its head is one of the smoothest of all the Xenomorphs and it can spit cysts of its acidic blood at its enemies and stick hosts to the hive's surface with a resin-like secretion. Drones can also lay down hive nodes to heal other Xenomorphs which makes them very useful to the hive. (done in the AvP: Extinction) They average in size at about 6–7 feet tall standing on hind legs, and about 14–15 feet long, tail included."

The Spitter
"possesses a large headcrest that somewhat resembles the Queen's headcrest. The Spitter also possesses several acid pounches, which resemble green postules located on each sides of its cranium. As its name suggests, it is capable of spitting acid at its target at a long range. Like other xenomorphs, it can also attack with its tail blade."

The Boiler
"looks very similar to a Warrior. It's covered in acid blood pustules, it has a fragile exterior armor and self-destructs immediately when under fire or when near by an enemy."

The Crusher
"is a new Xenomorph breed that was encountered by the USS Sephora Marines squad LV-426. Its crest is referred to as bull-like and said to be completely bulletproof, similar to a Defender's. It is not yet known what kind of host this type of Xenomorph emerges from. Although their appearance suggests a bull or something similar, it may perhaps be a mutation from something."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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