
Greetings from Chuck - The epic christmas splitcomment_here

greetings from chuck 
This Is how Chuck Norris warms up before christmas. And he does that EVERY year.

Most of you have probably seen Volvos epic commercial with Jean claude van damme. You know, the one when Van Damme does a epic split between two Volvo trucks? Anyhow. Since that video was released not so long ago, a millions (well not that many. But you get the idead) of parody videos has been uploaded to Youtube.

But my favorite video so far, are the one with Chuck Norris (It´s not the real Chuck Norris though). The one when he does a epic split high up In the sky, between two airplanes (while a whole squad of people har standing on his head).

So, what´s the name of the video then? "The epic christmas split" of course! I mean, It´s christmas on thursday after all ;)

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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