
Nihilumbra - Det bästa spelet för Ios?comment_here

Inte för att förringa Another Worlds svårighetsgrad. Men värden i Nihilumbra är nästan omöjligt ännu mer ogästvänlig.

Beautifun Games vet verkligen hur man gör grymt bra mobilaspel. Ta bara deras action/plattformsspel Nihilumbra (För Iphone och Ipad) t.ex. Jag spelade Nihilumbra på min Iphone efter en hård arbetsdag idag. Det gjorde verkligen att man kunde varva ner.

Även om svårighetsgraden är rätt maxad i Nihilumbra. Så upplevde jag att det var mer spelglädje än frustration under min spelsektion. Så vill ni få valuta för era pengar. Då tycker jag helt klart att ni ska köpa Nihilumbra via Itunes!
"Nihilumbra is compatible with iPhone 4, 4S, 5, iPod Touch 4 and iPads. Has to be be downloaded over a Wi-Fi connection.

Discover the beautiful world of Nihilumbra and join Born on his adventure to find himself whilst trying to escape from his inevitable curse.

Born was created from the absolute nothingness: The Void. But somehow he seperates himself from the black emptiness and appears in the world. This is where his long odyssey begins, in which he will learn how to use the colors around him to gain powerful abilities and transform the world.

However, his experiences come at a high price. The Void must be one. It seeks to reclaim him and will never stop chasing him, destroying everything in its path along the way.

To survive, Born will have to condemn the earth he walks to it's inevitable obliteration by The Void..."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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