
"A pirate I was menat to be" - Monkey Island 3comment_here

Den episka Monkey Island Del 3 följdes up utav en...ehrm...inte fullt lika så bra del 4a.

Det finns seriöst talat INGET som kan muntra upp än mer än Monkey Island. Jag blir glad bara jag hör dess namn nämnas i min närhet, samma sak om jag här någon valfri låt från serien. Guybrush Threepwood måste verkligen vara den största anti-hjälten någonsin inom spelvärlden.

Har man spelat igenom samtliga delar utav Monkey Island serien så vet man vad jag menar med det. Det är pure luck att han äns överlevt och lyckats uppföra sina uppdrag till punkt och prickar (plus en och annan hjälpande hand, voodoo tant och maktgalet skletthuvud).

En utav mina favorit delar i hela serien är när Guybrush beger sig ut på havet för att rädda sin tjej Elaine och Guybrush skepp blir bordat utav andra pirater. Man trodde väl kanske att de övriga i manskapet skulle komma till Guybrush undsättning, men nej.

Istället så kollar de på valar, räknar delfiner och för att slutligen börja sjunga en pirat-låt, efter att Guybrush blivit totalt förödmjukad utav en piratkapten från det bordande skeppet. Låten är dock så pass bra att man som spelare inte blir det minsta upprörd, utan precis tvärtom. Man börjar liksom sjunga med i svängarna xD

Så kom igen nu! sjung med nu era landkrabbor!

"Haggis: We're a band of vicious pirates!
Edward: A sailin´ out to sea.
Bill: When you hear our gentle singing...
Haggis: You'll be sure to turn and flee!

Guybrush: Oh, this is just ridiculous.

Guybrush: Come on, men! We've got to recover that map!
Bill: That pirate will be done for, when he falls into our trap!
Bill: We're a club of tuneful rovers!
Haggis:We can sing in every clef!
Edward:We can even hit the high notes!
Haggis:It's just too bad we're tone deaf!

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: Let's go defeat that evil pirate!
Edward:We know he's sure to lose, ´cause we know just where to fire at!

Edward:We're thieving balladeers.
Haggis:A gang of cutthroat mugs.
Bill: To fight us off ye don't need guns!
Edward:Just really good ear plugs!

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: All right, crew, let's get to work!
Haggis: Our vocation is a thing we love, a thing we'd never shirk.

Haggis: We'll fight you in the harbor.
Bill: We'll battle you on land.
Edward: But when you meet singing pirates...
Guybrush: They'll be more than you can stand.

Bill: Ooooh! That was a good one!
Guybrush: No, it wasn't.

Guybrush: No time for song! We've got to move!
Bill: The battle will be long, but our courage we will prove!

Bill: We're a pack a´ scurvy sea dogs.
Haggis:Have we pity? Not a dram!
Edward:We all eat roasted garlic...
Haggis:...then sing from the diaphragm!

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: Less singing, more sailing.
Edward: When we defeat our wicked foe, his ship he will be bailing!

Bill: If ye try ta fight us...
Haggis:...you will get a nasty whackin´!
Edward:If ya disrespect our singing´...
Bill: ...we will feed ya to a kraken!

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: I´m getting so sick of you guys and your rhyming.
Haggis: We´re ready to set sail, through the cannons need a priming.

Edward: We're troublesome corsairs!
Bill: And we've come to steal your treasures!
Haggis: We would shoot you on the downbeat...
Edward:...but we have to rest five measures.

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: Stop! Stop! Stop!
Bill: The brass is what we'll polish and the deck is what we'll mop.

Guybrush: You say you're nasty pirates...
Guybrush: ...scheming, thieving, bad bushwhackers?
Guybrush: From what I've seen I tell you...
Guybrush: ...you're not pirates! You're just slackers!

All: A pirate I was meant to be!
All: Trim the sails and roam the sea!

Guybrush: We'll surely avoid scurvy if we all eat an orange.
Haggis: And...!
Haggis: ...um...
Bill: Well...
Bill: Door hinge?
Edward:No, no...
Bill: Guess the song's over, then.
Haggis:Guess so.
Edward:Okay, back to work.
Guybrush: Well gee. I feel a little guilty, now."

Gaming Ground Sverige
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