
Brutal Doom v20 - Because Brutal ain't brutal enough!comment_here

brutal doom v20
His half the man he used to be. All thanks to the Doomguy.

I have no idea (whatsoever) how i could have missed out on this. Because i really don´t know why i just now found out about Brutal Doom v20. Let´s just say that i find it rather strange that no one has talked that much about it.

It was just pure luck that i heard about it today (i was going through some old videos of mine. And i saw a comment from a fan that mentioned Brutal Doom v20). Anyhow, it´s true. Sergeant mark IV (the maker of the Brutal Doom mod) has been working on v20 for several months now.

Mark has also uploaded a handful of Brutal Doom v20 videos on Youtube. And i have to say that i like the improvements that he has added to v20. Like the ragdoll physics for example. So when i´m done with Doom 2, i´m just going to wait for v20 to come out.

Because i see no point of playing Final Doom on v19.

“I have been playing a lot of Killing Floor lately and noticed how small zeds are sent rolling on the floor when killed by shotguns at close range, I love this effect, then I thought about making something similar on Brutal Doom,” he said. “Of course it will not send almost every enemy flying away like in the video. I will reduce the minimum range from 300 to 200 units. I mean, the shotgun will only send flying enemies that are VERY close to the player, and shooting on the legs or heads still causes amputations."Sergeant mark IV

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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