
Chappie - Graffiti Life´s live event in London

There´s no doubt (whatsoever) that Neill Blomkamp is a very creative and talented person (even though i´m still not 100% if his the right person to make "Alien 5").

As he has created awesome movies such as "District 9" and "Elysium".

And just recently Blomkamp released his brand new movie "Chappie" (which has a average score of 7.3/10 via imdb). A movie that´s full of famous movie stars such as Hugh JackmanSigourney Weaver, Sharlto Copley, Die Antwoord and Dev Patel.

And just when i thought that "Chappie "couldn't possibly get any cooler. I found out about the "Chappie Graffiti" live event (which took place at The Old Truman Brewery in London, back in February).

The Chappie live event at Old Truman Brewery, London England.

The event was broadcasted via Twitch, and there were 12 Youtube stars at site as well (they all got handpicked by Sony Pictures and OMD). Plus some of London´s most talented graffiti stars from Graffiti Life. And that resulted in a very impressive graffiti creation (as pictured above).

And if you want to see how the graffiti painting came to life. Then just checkout the video further down the page!

För att marknadsföra den hett eftertraktade filmen ‘Chappie’, har Sony Pictures and OMD handplockat 12 YouTube stjärnor från hela Europa för att delta i ett live-streamat event från The Old Truman Brewery i London den 25:e Februari 2015. Tillsammas har dessa stjärnor en följarskara på över en million följare!

Varje stjärna fick en avgörande roll när det kom till att skapa Europas största delningsbara konstverk tillsammans med Londons mest respekterade Graffitistjärnor från Graffiti Life. YouTube stjärnorna fick även träffa den prisbelönta regissören Neill Blomkamp samma morgon eventet skulle ske som därefter följdes av en exklusiv förhandsvisning.

Under kvällen skulle en 18,5 x 3 meter stor graffitivägg skapas med minnesvärda bilder ur filmen. På bara tre timmar hade stjärnorna lyckats skapa sitt mästerverk.

När målningarna var klara och mästerverkat var komplett så styckades väggen ner till 600 unika delar som sedan skickades ut till de länder som var representerade på eventet. Twitch är kanske den populäraste online gaming plattformen och Twitch live streamade skapandet av graffitiväggen mellan 18-21 där YouTubestjärnorna med jämna mellanrum tittade in i kanalens pop-up lounge där de fick testa på att spela det kommande spelet EVOLVE tillsammans med Twitch populära commentator Spamfish.


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground

Battlefield: Hardline - The war starts on the 17th of March!

battlefield hardline battle
Battlefield: Hardline will soon be here. But are you ready for it?

In about two weeks (March the 17th) from now it´s show time for EA and Visceral Games urban War FPS game "Battlefield: Hardline" (Windows, PS3, PS3, 360 and Xbox One), so the pressure is on for sure now.

And as the release draws nearer, the Battlefield fans is starting to ask themselves the following question. Si BF: Hardline really worthy of my time and money?

So, yeah. BF: Hardline got a whole lot to prove. But i have to admit that i like the thought of a crime/heist themed BF game. Kind of like a mix of GTA 5, BF4 and Payday 2.

It may not be everyone´s cup of tea though. But i´m at least going to give BF: Hardline a fair chance.

So who knows, we might actually meet some of you guys (and girls) on the battlefield in the near future? ;)

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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