
Max Impulse - A high speed anti-gravity racing gamecomment_here

max impulse
Hopefully there will be a beta for Max Impulse asap.

Wipeout may be dead and gone for life. But thankfully enough, more and more indie studios develop new and "Wipeout" like games. A perfect example of that would be Betwixt Games upcoming racing game "Max Impulse".

Me, i wouldn't even have heard of the game if it hadn't been for Twitter (Betwixt Games followed us on Twitter yesterday). Anyhow, i just watched a gameplay trailer for Max Impulse. And imo, it seems to be the Unity version of Wipeout (kind of).

But yeah, i liked the trailer. So i wouldn't mind giving Max Impulse a go!

About Max Impulse:
"Max Impulse is a non-stop thrill ride 3D racing game that never lets up. With a diverse selection of characters and vehicles on some of the craziest tracks you can imagine, this is literally the future of racing!"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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