
Justin Bieber are Miley Cyrus! - A Resident Evil jokecomment_here

justin bieber miley cyrus
I Started a Joke ;) (Faith no more ref).

Now you might wonder what Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus have in common with Resident Evil? Well, last night i noticed a really funny matchup between the two pop stars on Twitter. And i made a really good (imo) Resident Evil joke about the whole thing (see the picture above!).

I was of course refering to Resident Evil: Codename Veronica X and Alfred Ashford. Which is a guy that´s both a transvestite and psychopath, that dresses up like his sister and talks to himself in third person. But obviously no one understood that connection.

Thus no one got the Justin Bieber are Miley Cyrus joke either. Oh well, i had a good laugh at least ;)

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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