
Skydive proximity flight - Release i Oktober till PSNcomment_here

Är man höjdrädd, då bör man nog hoppa över Skydive tror jag.

Inte för att jag är rädd för höga höjder eller något. Jag är däremot inget större fan utav höga höjder, och med höga höjder. Så syftar jag på typ hoppa från flygplan högt upp i luften, bungiejump osv. Det skulle liksom aldrig falla mig in att göra något sådant.

Mest då för risk faktorn. Men nu kan slippa ta några risker, tackvare Gaijins Skydive proximity flight för PSN. Releasen utav Skydive kommer dessutom att äga rum inom kort. För att vara exakt. Den 12 Oktober, till priset utav 19.99 Euro!


Gamers will be able to experience the extreme sport of wingsuit flying with help of motion controllers on October, 1st in US and on October, 2nd in Europe

Gaijin Entertainment announced that Skydive: Proximity Flight will soar onto the PlayStation®Network on October 1, 2013 in US for $19.99 and on October 2, 2013 in Europe for €19.99. Inspired by the extreme sport of base jumping, Skydive: Proximity Flight is a downloadable game that uses gamepad or motion controller technology to put the players inside the wingsuit for exhilarating skydiving experiences.

“Skydive: Proximity Flight will let players experience the total freedom and heart pulsing adrenaline rush that comes from the hazardous extreme spot of base jumping without having to physically experience the potential dangers associated with leaping off high places and seeing the earth hurling toward you at a 120 miles per hour. Skydive: Proximity Flight brings realistic graphics, precise sounds, and stunning aerial landscapes to the comfort of your living room. So take a leap in October and get a bird’s eye view of the world,” said Kirill Yudintsev, Creative Director, Gaijin Entertainment."

"In Skydive: Proximity Flight, your movements are your own. Players can use the motion controller to speed up, maneuver, and soar over beautiful and majestic real life locations. Players will gain confidence and begin to learn how to control their bodies and execute mind blowing mid-air tricks normally reserved for professionals. Or, for those with an adventurous spirit, you can create and execute your own death defying tricks and show them off to your friends."

Feature Set:
- PlayStation®3 users can use the DUALSHOCK®3 wireless controller to perform maneuvers by twisting and turning the controller. Players can also experience the game using two PlayStation®Move motion controller with PlayStation®Eye camera.
- Game modes include Adrenaline Race, Routes, Tricks and Freestyle:
- Adrenaline Race: Race against the computer, friends or other flyers on the leader board by using adrenaline to increase speed, rewind time to make adjustments and perform death defying tricks
- Routes: Try to fly through increasing more difficult routes marked by rings
- Tricks: Execute aerial maneuvers that increase in dangerous complexityo Freestyle: Select any jump off location and create your own routes and incorporate difficult tricks and then share it with the community

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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