
Tombi 1 and 2 - The forgotten platform seriescomment_here

ps1 tombi
Tombi 1 can be bought on PSN now days. Part II hasn´t been released on PSN yet though.

A reader (and a fan) requested that we should write about Whoopee Camp´s old platform/action game series "Tombi 1 and 2" (Tombi! in North America). So I decided to do exactly that. But honestly, I have only played the first game a bit (that´s also the only game that I have written about as well).

Cuz when Tombi! 2 (Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return) was released In EU (In the summer of year 2000). I was way to busy with games such as Diablo 2, Deus Ex and Baldur's Gate II (to name a few).

So I didn´t even notice that Tombi 2 had been released. That´s also why I missed out on that game. And just to make things even worse. The makers of the Tombi series (Whoopee Camp), went bankrupt shortly after the release of Tombi 2.  That's probably why most people haven't even heard about the Tombi series In the first place. 

And It´s kind of sad really, because Tombi 1 and 2 ain´t half that bad. So "hopefully", both games will end up on PSN In the near future (for both PS3 and PS4). Me, I will buy both games as soon as I own a PS3 or a PS4 system.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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