
Super Stickman Golf 2 - Golf 2.0comment_here

super stickman golf 2
Golf som du ALDRIG förr sett det. 

Jag ska erkänna direkt. Jag är inget jätte fan utav golf precis. Jag skulle t.ex. aldrig få för mig att kolla på det på tv. Det är dock rätt kul att spela själv (På riktigt och i TV-spel). Dock så är  Noodlecake Studios Super Stickman Golf 2, en helt annan sorts typ utav golf.

Tänk dig en kombination utav Angry Brids, Portal och så golf på det. Då har du Super Stickman Golf 2 till iOS och Android =)

"28 Dynamic Courses. Never have the links been better looking or as unique as now. Moving obstacles, portals, magnets and more await you on the most creative courses to date.

Turn Based Multiplayer. What is better than golfing alone? Why bringing a friend of course. Now you can go head to ahead against all your friends on your schedule with the new Turn Based multiplayer mode. Earn big rewards and even bigger bragging rights.

Race Mode Multiplayer. The frantic race mode is back and bigger than ever! Play online against up to 3 people and battle it out to see who can get to the cup first. Or kick it up a notch and try out the local 8 player option. Chaos reigns in this mode. You have been warned!

Customizable Characters. Stand out from the crowd with new unlock-able characters and even more valuable hats. Each hat contains a unique ability and some or more rare than others. Can you collect them all and become a certified Super Stickman Golf Legend?"

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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