
Project 13 - Black Isle släpper uppdatering nr 3comment_here

save the world
Det är mycket hemlighetsmakeri kring Project 13. Väldigt lite är känt Black Isles nya spel för tillfället.

Jag börjar bli mer och mer nyfiken på Black Isles Project 13. Och frågorna är många. Vad kommer PV13 att bli för slags spel? Hur kommer allt att te sig? Förhoppningsvis så kommer jag (och alla andra) att få svar på mina frågor om 18dagar.

Varför just 18 dagar? Jo, för då kommer Black Isle att avslöja om de fått in tillräckligt med pengar för att finansiera Project 13 eller ej. Och troligtvis så kommer Black Isle att avslöja desto mer om PV13 i samma veva.

Visserligen så släpper ju Black Isle lite uppdateringar om PV13 då och då (antingen i form utav ett nyhetsbrev eller blogginlägg). Men oftast så är dess innehåll väldigt tunt. Den senaste nyhetsuppdateringen innehöll dock lite mer matnyttig info än tidigare mailutskick.

Ni finner Update nr 3 här nedanför.

"Take a deep breath.

We were working on a previous version of PV13, which would have gone in a very different direction, but had to take a deep breath and throw out that previous design work. We're back with a new vision and new concept that we want to share with you.

Our new game is post-apocalyptic. We dig the genre. The world has ended (exactly how is a mystery) and the story is all about what pitiful little survivors are left. What we don't dig are some of the genre tropes.

We're actively avoiding anything that looks like the desert for our setting. We're not going all Waterworld on you, but endless flat plains of brown sand are not in the cards. There are ruins; lots of ruins.

Our vision is one of crumbling buildings, ruined skyscrapers and the remains of humanity's great technology progress on display for all to mourn and pity. More junk for you to scavenge, steal or rebuild. 

See, rebuilding is a great theme. Most of the PA games to date have got the apocalypse covered. We'd like to see what comes next. What would people do when they are given the tools necessary to make something new from something old? 

That's where the strategy part of the game comes in. Each player is in charge of a small community: a few small ruins and even fewer survivors. From that you will forge a new town or city. We want you to choose what to focus on and how to rebuild. You'll make decisions as to where certain buildings will go and how they will be staffed.

You'll need to recruit additional survivors to make it all work. But the player is more than just a mayor or city planner. They have to take an active role in confronting the challenges and dangers of this brave new world. That's where the missions come into play.

Missions are self-contained adventures where the player character is under direct control. You move, shoot, sneak, ambush - whatever it takes to get the job done. Rewards from missions can benefit your town, and your town's hard work can make your missions easier (or even possible in the first place).

It's a big circle - what you do in adventures affects your town and what you do in town affects your adventuring."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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