
Spela Age of conan, mer eller mindre gratiscomment_here

Vad sägs om att få ett erbjudande som du inte kan tacka nej till?. Funcom erbjuder just precis det. Skapar man ett Age of conan konto innan 1 januari, så kan man spela ända upp till level 20 (ingen tidsbegränsning, så rent teoretiskt så kan du spela aoc i alla världens evighet. Så länge som du inte når level 20).

Det kommer dessutom inte att kosta dig ett enda korvöre. Men som allt annat, så finns det en hake (eller fler).

“Please note that a trial account has some limitations to avoid ’spam’ and ‘gold farmers’,” said the firm.

“You cannot trade with others, use in-game mail, public chat channels and you can not post on the forums.”

All that gets cut away if you go full-blown, however. You get extra treats when you sub up, in addition.

“If and when you decide to upgrade your account you will receive an immediate boost to your progress through an exclusive and powerful beginner’s item that increases both XP gain and your chance of performing fatality moves,” the dev added.



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